Chunking, 10, 129–130
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 77
Churchill, W., 203
Cisco, 104
Clarity, in communication, 201
Clark, S., 113, 120
Classification scheme, 233. See alsoCategories
Client- versusself-orientation, 219–220, 227
Clients, consulting: comparative benchmarks for,
225; conducting industry research and analysis
for, 221–222; creating panels of, 220–221;
hidden creases of, 226–228; “home visit”
observation of, 222–224; idea development
for, 219–226; influencing, to accept ideas,
226–228; questions to ask, 226; summit meet-
ings with, 220–221; supplier-customer inno-
vation partnerships for, 224–225; talking to
customers of, 224; trust of, 227–228; uncover-
ing the needs of, 220–226
Clients, executive search service, 291–299
Clients, financial service, 327, 329
Climate, 257–259, 281, 285
Clinical trials, 312–313
Clinton, B., 191
Coaches and coaching: in category framework,
117; for chief executive officers, 165–166;
chief executive officers as, 171; for culture
carriers, 109; executive, in financial service
firm, 323–324; for informal learning, 96, 98;
for leadership development, 123, 166,
323–324; outsourced, 110
Codification-access model: alternatives to, 30–37;
defined, 28; flaws of, 28–31
Codified knowledge: defined, 211; implicit knowl-
edge versus,13, 15–16, 211–212; informal
learning and, 100. See alsoExplicit knowledge
Cohen, A. R., 238, 281–282, 290
Colgate-Palmolive, 196, 258
Collaboration, 292; on clinical trials, 312–313; in
pharmaceuticals research and development,
309–314; Web-based, 310–314
Collision, 287–288, 289
Columbiaspace shuttle, 19, 269–271, 278–279
Columbia University, Teachers College, 279
Comfort zones, 202–203
Commercial excellence, 327
Commitment: to developing talent, 198,
306–307; engagement and, 231; personal, for
development, 306–307
Communication: in diverse teams, 263–264;
upward, 269–270, 278–279, 282–283
Communication, leader: attributes of, 141, 142,
143, 200–202; of best leaders, 200–202; for
employee commitment, 157–158
Communitarian cultures, 14–15
Communities: of practice or expertise, 60,
235–236; of seekers and solvers, in research
and development, 310–312
Community service, CEO, 167
Company yellow pages, 237–238
CompanyWay, 312–313
Compaq, 86
Comparative and competitive benchmarks, 225
Comparing, 68
Compartmentalization, 109–110
Compensation system, 293–294. See alsoRewards
and recognition
Competence, trust and, 106, 227
Competency acquisition, organizational learning
style of, 72, 76–77
Competition: benchmarking, 73, 76–77, 225; in
category framework, 117; internal, 152, 153,
157, 294; learning from the, 179; technology
change and, 135–136
Competitive advantage: ability to learn as, 190;
advent of innovation and, 136; ideas as source
of, 110; individual knowledge as power
and, 261–262, 294; knowledge capital as,
114, 119–120; knowledge management
as, 255, 257–258, 264–265; people as, 136,
257–258, 264–265
Complexity, simplification of, 301–303
Compliance, in learning dissemination, 10
Conference calls, 98, 108
Confidence building, 143
Confidentiality, 233
Connector role, 286–287, 290, 297
Conner, M. L., 91, 101
Consequences: connecting choices to, 69; in
knowledge management change initiatives,
244–245, 252; in learning cycle, 69
Consistency: of beliefs with actions, 147–159; of
executive behavior with organizational values,
Consulting business, 219–228, 233
Consulting clients. SeeClients, consulting
Context, knowledge and, 149
Contingency models, 158
Continuing learning, 217–218
Continuous improvement: executive commitment
to, 140; fad of, 54; as organizational learning
style, 73, 76–77, 140
Corporate-speak, 201
Correction, in learning cycle, 70
Cost-benefit analysis: difficulty of performing, on
knowledge management, 43; of ideas, 21–22;
of supply alliances, 79–80, 81–82
Costner, K., 241
Costs, of supply alliance management, 79–80,
Covey, S., 180
Creases, hidden, 226–228
Creativity: autonomy and, 58–59; diversity and,
263–264; emotional climate for, 257; general-
ization and, 70; learning leaders and, 190;
messiness and, 62; natural learners and, 67; in
teams, 71, 76, 263–264. See alsoIdea genera-
tion; Innovation
Credibility: communication and, 328; excellence
and, 327; social contact and, 262–263; trust
versus, 227
Credit for ideas: as exchange medium, 105;
scoring of, 27, 105, 110; sharing, 323
Criticism: with courtesy, 23; on ethics, 22
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