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(Joyce) #1
(Fig. 3.1) PAS stained kidney section
(X 41 0) from a pa tient wit h minimal change nephritis.
Light microscopic
examination shows a normal glomerulus.
(Reproduced with permission from IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd, Japan).

(Fig. 3.2a) PAS stained kidney section
(X260) from a pat ient wit h FSGS. Light microscopic
examination of an affected glomerulus shows
segmental sclerosis in the hilar region.
(Reproduced with permission from IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd,

(Fig. 3.2b)
The same case when
examined by
microscope shows
segmental deposits
of complement (C3).
(Reproduced with permission from IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd, Japan).

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