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(Joyce) #1
(Fig. 3.3a) PAS stained kidney
section (X320) from a patient with membranous
glomerulonephritis. Light microscopic examination
shows marked thickening
of the capillary walls with no cellular proliferation.
(Reproduced with permission from IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd, Japan).

(Fig. 3.3b) The same case in Fig. 3a,
examined by I.F., it shows diffuse granular deposits
of IgG along the capillary walls (X 26 0).
(Reproduced with permission from IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd, Japan).

(Fig. 3.4) PAS stained kidney section
(X 410) from a patient with mesangial proliferative
glomerulonephritis. Light microscopic examination
shows diffuse proliferation in the mesangium with
normal capillary walls
(Reproduced with permission from IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd, Japan).

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