Hx & E stain of a case (Fig. 3.5)
of mesangio-capillary glomerulo-
nephritis,there is mesangial prolifera-
tion (arrow-1) with lobulation, (arrow-2),
thickening of the GBM (arrow-3), also
there is periglomerular
(Reproduced with permission frofibrosis (arrow-4) m
IGAKU-SHOIN Ltd, Japan).
(Fig. 3.6)
Periodic acid-
schiff stain.
High power view
of a glomerulus
showing crescentic
(Reproduced with
permission from
(Fig. 3.8) Hx & E stained kidney
section (X 260) from a patient with post infection
glomerulonephritis. Light
microscopic examination shows diffuse proliferative
endocapillary glomerulo- nephritis with marked
cellularity caused by both mononuclear cells and
polymorphoneuclear leukocytes.
(Reproduced with permission from IGAKU-SHOIN Lts, Japan)