Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

your mind. These are other signs of penetrating spirit intru-
sion that you need not put up with.
There is a difference between genuine love between two
people and intrusive attention that may be mistaken tempo-
rarily for romantic feelings. Genuine love includes respect
for the other person's personal space. There is no need to
manipulate them or merge with them because the relation-
ship is based on trust and mutual empowerment. They in-
trude upon you only when there is an emergency and they
need to get your attention rapidly.
If you use your power animals to guard and protect your
tunnels, you will not fall prey to the melee and discomfort
that can occur if you do not. You can tell them when you
wish privacy and when you are open to communication with
others. Here is one way to set up guardian protection and
monitoring for your power tunnels.

Cxerclse #4: Protecting the Tunnels

Relax, close your eyes, and open up your shamanic vi-
sion. Check into each of the seven principal tunnels as we
showed you in the first exercise.
Ask your guardian animal or ally to assign a separate
power animal to each tunnel. Ask yours to select ones who
will represent each tunnel well and are in affinity with your
spirit body. Discuss your needs with each guardian and ask
them to report to you whenever you are unbalanced or are
having some difficulty regarding a tunnel.
As problems occur, ask them to protect you and help you
restore your power in that area. For example, if you are ex-
periencing a headache, ask the guardians of tx>th your sixth
and seventh tunnels to let you know who is thinking about
you and why. Ask them to extract that person gently and seal
off their focus or point of attention on you.
Always remember to thank these guardians. If you want

Exercise #4: The Steps

  1. Relax and close your eyes.

  2. Check each of the seven tunnels, using shamanic

  3. Ask for a power animal for each tunnel.

  4. Discuss needs with each one.

  5. Ask for protection and help in problem areas.

  6. Thank your guardians for their help.

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