Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1


  • Gut people need space to move in. They hate to be con-
    fined or trapped. Therefore never pen them in. Give them
    tasks that allow them to walk, drive, fly, and generally
    move about.

  • Give gut people an opportunity to use their bodies. If you
    are trying to teach them something, get them to go through
    the movements first. They learn kinesthetically, by doing,
    not by a set of verbal instructions or by color codes. They
    do respond to three-dimensional models that can be mani-
    pulated to demonstrate how to do something.

  • Compliment and acknowledge gut people for their incredi-
    ble coordination. Give them credit for being capable in
    this physically oriented way. After all, who would you
    want flying the plane in an emergency?

  • Gut people recall sensations and movements. In journey-
    ing, get them to identify these actions first, then help them
    identify the feelings and meanings that accompanied them.
    They have these but simply deemphasize them.

  • Gut people may be impulsive, spontaneous, and on occa-
    sion belligerent. Learn from their spontaneity and compli-
    ment them on it. Help them to get in touch with their
    deeper feelings and emotions before they act self-destruc-
    tively. Help them think through an action on a major issue
    before embarking on it, even if briefly. Help them to be
    dynamic rather than pushy.

  • Gut people are balanced by listening to music, dancing
    (heart), or reading (head). They will be most unhappy u
    they are not allowed to move or at least move with their
    thoughts and feelings.


Each person specializes in one of the three styles, head,
heart, and gut. In addition you may find that you have a
subspecialty as well. If you are a heart person you might also
be fairly good at head matters and poorest at gut activity. If
you are a head person you might be fair at gut reactions but
poor in the heart category. This gives you a more exact de-
scription of the actual way you operate in the world. Here
are the six subtypes.

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