Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1



Emotional head person act empathetic worries

Active head person feel prolific obsessive

Thinking heart person act poet introvert

Active heart person think expressive dramatic

Thinking gut person feel productive ruthless

Emotional gut person think dynamic impulsive


Your specialty and subtype gives the world diversity and
ensures that there are experts in all spheres of life.
However, the head, the heart, and the gut were never
meant to operate completely separately or in isolation from
one another. Shamanically speaking, the body is meant to act
in harmony, each part balancing and contributing to the ac-
tivities of the others. When these three major regions act in
harmony with one another, they are then capable of interact-
ing effectively with the source of power, the spirit world.
This leads to success in all spheres of life.
Shamans are dedicated to finding balance within them-
selves. They purposefully exercise all three aspects of them-
selves in order to become more effective human beings.
Among their many skills, they have a reputation for being
intellectual giants in their communities as well as being poets
and artists. They are additionally known for being active,
healthy, spontaneous people who travel both physically and

Exercise #1: Balancing

This is a journey for balance. First ask your current
guardian spirit or power animal for assistance in becoming
more balanced. In your case you are unsure of your main
style, ask your ally to tell you. You can even ask your guard-
ian spirit to tell you what your subtype is; that is, a thinking
or an acting heart person, an emotional or a thinking gut
person, or an active or feeling head person. Then request
help on a journey where you will go in search of information

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