Secrets of Shamanism

(Tina Meador) #1

Remember the goal is balance, not a parody of the opposite
extreme. The power is always in the middle position, never
in extreme polarity.
If you are like many traditional Western females, you
have suppressed the more assertive and dynamic aspect of
yourself in favor of a compliant, submissive, or manipulative
posture. You may have found that this persona offers you
unique advantages in terms of being protected and supported
by the stereotyped males of our culture, but you have traded
away some of your most important resources in the process.
You have given up your power and your ability to go out and
get exactly what you want in life. Lost is the ring of authority
and the feel of independence that goes with that dynamic
side. Shamanically, what is needed is a move toward the
center, a gradual shift toward that male side that has been
under wraps for so long.

Exercise #6: Balancing the Dynamic and Magnetic Sides

Here is a list of things you can do to begin to integrate
your suppressed side. The first list applies to overly mascu-
line people, the second list applies to overly feminine people.
Remember that this refers to energy and not actual gender.
We are sure you can add your own personal touches to the
If you are the overly dynamic woman or man:

  • Bring yourself into the company of people who you feel
    display a good balance of both sides. Being with other
    overly masculine types will only compound your problem.
    Usually you will find that older people have accomplished
    this better than younger people. They have had more time
    to transcend the social stereotypes and discover their own

  • Make a practice of listening to music or going to films that
    open up your feelings. You may find that your strongest
    suppressed emotion is grief, and sobbing is what you need
    more than anything else. There may be a sadness felt
    about all the effort you put out to keep yourself so strong
    all the time. You may also find that the emotion that
    comes most easily to you is anger. It is necessary to exer-
    cise some discipline to allow the sadness underneath to

  • Lock up the drugs, beer and liquor supply. It's usually just
    a narcotic to suppress your anger and grief or cover up
    your fear.

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