The vender ships the order to Central Receiving, where it is processed and then delivered.
The order is unpacked and checked and a barcode tag is placed on each container greater
than 25 g or 25 ml.
Bar code tagging of chemical containers is central to an automated system because all
information about a specific chemical container and its contents is keyed to a unique bar
code tag number.
The bar code tag number is like a license plate; the number is not coded to contain
intelligent data. Rather it is the key pointer in a relational database to other information
that relates specifically to that number. The tag number is printed in bar code 39
symbology and human readable format.
Tags are also being applied to rooms, cabinets, and shelves to speed re-inventory. The
quantity, user name, location, PO #, vendor, date, and price are some of the information
recorded for each chemical container in a database called ChIM (Chemical Inventory
Management). Health, safety, and storage information is recorded under the Chemical
Abstracts Service (CAS) Registry Number.
For more information see your Chemical Management Guide.
The acceptance of gifts is or should ALWAYS be prohibited without the consent of the
EHS Coordinator and Department Chemical Hygiene Officer (DCHO). Approved gifts must
be tagged and entered into the Chemical Inventory System.
Once the initial physical inventory is completed the labs will be reinventoried on a regular
basis using a handheld data collector and laser reader. The re-inventory data is
downloaded into a PC so that location changes and disposal information can be updated.
A blue recycling bin is located in most of the laboratories for collecting empty containers.
This is so that the inventory can be maintained as up to date as possible. It is essential
that all users comply with this collection system. Please get in the habit of saving all
containers for collection.
Once a chemical is consumed, it must be removed from the system to provide maximum
benefits from the inventory. The recycling bins will be emptied by the EHS Office
periodically. If chemical containers are saved and washed for reuse, please provide the
EHS Office with the tag number(s) from the empty container(s).
Chemical Requisition Forms
The Chemical Requisition Forms are for ordering chemicals, only. Please place orders for
equipment and other non-chemical items separately on the Requisition for Supplies Form.
Requisition forms are available in department offices and should be filled out and filed as
The ROOM # is the room or lab where the chemical(s) will be used and/or stored. This
MUST be completed for proper inventory tracking. Complete the VENDOR section; for
withdrawals indicate Chemical Stores or Stockroom.