best to leave the price box blank if unknown, because the current market or discounted
price is usually different from the stated catalogue price. Circle YES in the CONFIRMING
box if the order has already been placed to prevent duplication. The PO number should
be recorded as well. If the shipping or delivery METHOD is known, complete this block,
otherwise leave it blank.
The AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE block is for the signature of the person authorized for
the account code in the CHARGE TO box.
Filing the Chemical Requisition Form Examples
Pink Copy
For new orders, keep the pink copy for department records. For withdrawals, leave the
pink copy attached. It will be mailed to the department secretary by the EHS Office after
the transaction has been completed (usually at the end of the month).
Yellow and White Copy
The user always sends the white AND yellow copies to the EHS Office. This is true of
orders placed by the user. The EHS Coordinator must initial the form in the approved
box before it goes to purchasing. Forms can be dropped off at the EHS Office during
window hours for faster service.
White Copy
The EHS Office sends the white copy to purchasing. As stated above, Purchasing does
not accept white copies that have not been initialed by the EHS Coordinator. Therefore,
sending white copies directly to purchasing will delay the receipt of your order.