Boldfaceindicates a word root or combining form. Blueindicates a suffix. Pinkindicates a prefix.
422 CHAPTER 9• Endocrine and Nervous Systems
9–88 The medulla contains three vital centers that regulate internal activities of
the body. The cardiac center slows the heart rate when the heart is beating too rap-
idly; the respiratory center controls muscles of respiration in response to chemicals
or other stimuli; and the vasomotor centeraffects (constricts or dilates) the muscles
in the walls of blood vessels, thus influencing blood pressure.
The vital center that influences blood pressure by dilating or constricting blood
vessel walls is the____________________center.
The ____________________center slows heart rate when it is beating too rapidly.
The ____________________center controls respiratory muscles in response to
chemicals or other stimuli.
Competency Verification:Check your labeling of Figure 9–8 in Appendix B: Answer Key, page 592.
Spinal Cord
The spinal cord is a long, narrow cable of nervous tissue within the spinal canal and is part of the CNS. It descends
from the brainstem to the lumbar part of the back and contains about 100 million neurons. Thirty-one pairs of spinal
nerves originate from the spinal cord. (See Fig. 9–9.) Each pair of nerves serves a specific region on the right or left
side of the body. Spinal nerves are mixed nerves that provide a two-way communication between the spinal cord and
parts of the upper and lower limbs, neck, and trunk.
9–89 Spin/al nerves are named according to locations of their respective verte-
brae. As shown in Figure 9–9, there are 8 pairs of cervic/al nerves, identified as
C1–C8; 12 pairs of thorac/ic nerves, identified as T1–T12; 5 pairs of lumb/ar
nerves, identified as L1–L5; 5 pairs of sacr/al nerves, identified as S1–S5; and 1 pair
of coccyg/eal nerves, identified as Co1.
In Figure 9–9, label the (1) cervical nerves,(2) thoracic nerves,(3) lumbar nerves,
(4) sacral nerves,and (5) coccygeal nerve.
9–90 Build medical words that mean pertaining to nerves
of the neck:____________________ / __________ ____________________
in back of the chest:__________ / __________ ____________________
of the sacrum:__________ / __________ ____________________
9–91 The spin/al cord, like the brain, is protected and nourished by the meninges,
which consist of three layers: dura mater,the outermost membrane; arachnoid mem-
brane,the second layer, which surrounds the brain and spin/al cord; and pia mater,the
third layer, which is closest to the brain and spinal cord. Additional protection is pro-
vided by cerebr/o/spin/al fluid circulating in the subarachnoid space. (See Fig. 9–9.)
Identify terms in this frame that mean pertaining to
the spine:__________ / __________
the cerebrum and the spine:
____________________ / _____ / __________
cervic/al nerves
thorac/ic nerves
sacr/al nerves