9–83 The CF cerebr/orefers to the cerebrum. Build a word that means pertaining
to the cerebrum.
____________________ / __________
9–84 Combine cerebr/oand -tomy to form a surgical procedure that means
incision of the cerebrum.
____________________ / _____ / __________
9–85 The more rudimentary processes are regulated by the brainstem, which
consists of the (2) midbrain, the (3) pons, and the (4) medulla. Attached to the
brainstem is the cerebellum, which plays a role in equilibrium, posture, and muscular
coordination. Locate and label these structures in Figure 9–8.
9–86 The brainstem is the site where motor neurons cross from one side of the
body to the other, so that the right half of the brain controls movement involving the
left side of the body and vice versa. Locate the brainstem in Figure 9-8.
The brainstem lies (inferior or superior)____________________ to the cerebrum.
9–87 The pons is part of the brainstem that literally means bridge.It contains
nerve tracts that connect the cerebellum and cerebrum with the rest of the brain.
Nerves to the eyes and face lie in the pons. Locate the pons in Figure 9–8.
The pons lies (inferior or superior)____________________ to the spinal cord.
Frame 9–81to Frame 9–87
Nervous System • CHAPTER 9 421
Choroid plexus in
third ventricle
Pituitary gland
Spinal cord
Figure 9-8Structures of the brain.