Medical Terminology Simplified

(Grace) #1


Abbreviations, 613–621
body structure, 50
cardiovascular and lymphatic systems, 189
digestive system, 255
ear, 525
endocrine system, 429
eye, 525
integumentary system, 84
musculoskeletal system, 486
nervous system, 429
radiology, 50
reproductive system, 366
respiratory system, 132
urinary system, 305
Abdomen, 402
quadrants of, 45–46, 45f
Abdominal adhesions, 50f
Abdominal cavity, 45
Abdominopelvic cavity, 45
Abdominopelvic quadrants, 45–46, 45f
Abdominopelvic regions, 45f, 46–48
Abnormal condition, 224, 244, 253
Abrasion, 84
Abscess, 84
Accessory glands, 354
Accessory organs of digestion, 245–254
Achilles tendon, 459
Achromatopsia, 525
Acidosis, 133
Acne, 84, 85f
Acoustic, 518
Acoustic neuroma, 529
Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
(AIDS), 82, 84, 129, 193
Acromegaly, 404
Acute renal failure (ARF), 303
Acute respiratory distress syndrome, 133
Addison disease, 429
Adduction, 38
Adenocarcinoma, 295
Adenodynia, 295
Adenohypophysis, 402–403, 404
Adenoidectomy, 109
Adenoids, 109
Adenoma, 71, 295, 396
Adenopathy, 182
Adhesion, 50, 50f
Adipectomy, 71
Adipocele, 64, 76
Adipoid, 343
Adipoma, 71
Adipose tissue, 348
Adrenal cortex, 404, 411
Adrenalectomy, 396, 410
Adrenal glands, 287, 396, 410, 446
Adrenal hormones, 410, 411t
Adrenaline, 410
Adrenal medulla, 411
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 404,
Adrenomegaly, 410

Adventitious breath sounds, 133
Aerohydrotherapy, 114
Aerophagia, 110, 112, 231
Aerophobia, 127
Aerotherapy, 114
Agglutination, 182
AIDS, 82, 84, 129, 193
Air pressure, 520
Albinism, 70, 78
Aldosteronism, 411
Alimentary canal, 217
Allograft, 91
Alopecia, 85
Alveolar, 109
Alveolus(i), 109, 121
Alzheimer disease, 431
Amblyopia, 509
Amniocentesis, 332, 372, 372f
Amnion, 332
Amniotic sac, 332
Amphiarthroses, 474
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), 431
Anacusis, 518, 529
Anal fistula, 257
Anaphylaxis, 182
Anastomosis, 54, 54f, 237
Anatomic position, 34
Androgen(s), 354
Androsterone, 354
Anesthesia, 363
Anesthetics, 438
Aneurysm, 157, 181, 181f
Aneurysmectomy, 426
Aneurysmorrhaphy, 157
Angina pectoris, 190
Angiocarditis, 184
Angiography, 157, 194
Angioma, 168
Angioplasty, 184, 198, 198f
Angiorrhaphy, 184
Angiorrhexis, 184
Anhidrosis, 74
Anisocoria, 508
Ankylosing spondylitis, 463, 490
Ankylosis, 464, 489
Anorchia, 369
Anorchism, 369
Anorexia, 220
Anosmia, 110
Anoxia, 134
Answer key, 558–603
Antacids, 263
Anterior, 34, 35, 36, 400, 401, 402, 458
Anterolateral, 36
Anteroposterior, 401–402
Antiarrhythmics, 202
Antibiotics, 92, 313
Anticoagulants, 180, 202
Anticonvulsants, 438
Antidiarrheals, 263
Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), 404
Antiemetics, 263
Antifungals, 92, 379

Antiglaucoma drugs, 535
Antihypertensives, 202
Antiparkinsonian agents, 438
Antipruritics, 92
Antipsychotics, 438
Antispasmodics, 313
Anuria, 300
Anus, 233, 239, 241
Aorta, 157, 162, 169, 181
Aortic aneurysm, 181
Aortic stenosis, 169
Aortic valve, 169, 171
Aortopathy, 169
Aortostenosis, 157
Aphasia, 419
Aplasia, 362
Apnea, 110, 124, 125
Appendectomy, 233, 255, 256f
Appendicitis, 233, 255
Appendix, 233, 255
Aqueous humor, 511
Arachnoid, 424
Arachnoid membrane, 422
Areola, 348
Arm bone, upper, 463
Arrhythmia, 164, 190
Arterial blood gas, 136
Arterial calculus, 167
Arterial hardening, 167
Arterial spasm, 167
Arteriole(s), 157, 169, 282
Arteriolith, 167
Arteriopathy, 168
Arteriorrhaphy, 168
Arteriosclerosis, 157, 158, 168, 169, 170, 178,
Arteriospasm, 168, 170
Artery(ies), 157, 168, 169. See also specific
hardening of, 169, 170, 178, 179
Arthralgia, 475
Arthritis, 464, 474, 475–476
Arthrocentesis, 474, 475, 476, 492
Arthroclasia, 465
Arthrodesis, 465
Arthrodynia, 476
Arthropathy, 474
Arthroplasty, 475, 475f, 492
total hip, 475, 475f
Arthroscope, 474
Arthroscopy, 474, 474f
Articulate, 474
Articulation, 483
Ascending colon, 238, 239
Ascites, 255, 256f
Aspermatism, 358
Aspermia, 355
Aspirate, 122
Asthma, 129, 130f
Astigmatism, 516f, 525
Atelectasis, 4, 110
Atheroma, 157
Atherosclerosis, 178, 179, 180, 191f


Note:An “f” following a page number indicates a figure; a “t” following a page number indicates a table.

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