Athlete’s foot, 224
Atrial, 162, 174
Atrial flutter, 164
Atrioventricular, 157, 174
Atrioventricular (AV) block, 191
Atrioventricular (AV) node, 174
Atrium, 157, 162, 163, 165, 174
Atrophy, 429
Audiogram, 532
Audiologist, 507, 522
Audiology, 522
Audiometer, 518, 532
Audiometry, 531
Auditory, 518
Auditory tube, 333, 518, 520
Auricle, 519
Autografts, 82, 91
Automatic external defibrillator, 199
Automatic implantable cardioverter-
defibrillator, 199, 200f
Autorhythmicity, 457
Axillary dissection, 376
Axillary nodes, 181, 184
Axon terminal synapse, 418f
Azotemia, 281, 307
Azoturia, 305
Backbone, 463, 476, 482
Bacterium, 164, 165
Bacteriuria, 290
Balanitis, 355, 369
Baldness, 85
Balloon expander, 377
Bariatric surgery, 262, 262f
Barium enema, 260, 260f
Barium swallow, 260
Bartholin glands, 97, 345
Basal cell carcinoma, 80, 81f
Basal layer of skin, 64f, 68
Bedsore, 68
Bell palsy, 432
Belly side, 425
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 359,
360f, 377
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH), 359,
360f, 377
Benign, 295
Beta blockers, 202
Bilateral, 363
Bilateral vasectomy, evaluation, 384
terminology, 383–384
Bile, 244, 247, 248
Bile duct, 244, 249, 252
Bile vessel, 244
Biliary colic, 251
Biopsy, 136, 350, 375
Blackhead, 73, 84
Black lung, 122
Bladder, 280, 289–295, 343
Bleeding, postmenopausal, 381–382
Blepharectomy, 514
Blepharoplasty, 514, 516
Blepharoplegia, 514
Blepharoptosis, 509, 516
Blepharospasm, 508, 514, 516
Blepharotomy, 514
Blood clot, 157, 180, 425, 426
Blood condition, 280
Blood flow, through heart, 166–171
Blood urea nitrogen (BUN), 307
Blood vessel(s), 156, 156f
renal, 282
widened, 157, 426
Body, cavities of, 42f, 44–45
cellular level of, 27
levels of structural organization in,
movements of, 459, 460f
organization of, 28f, 29–30
planes of, 35f, 41–44
regions of, 40
Body structure, 27–61
word elements, 56–57
Bolus, 226
Bone cell, 465
Bone densitometry, 492
Bone density test, 492
Bone marrow, 419, 424, 425, 464, 471
Bone marrow aspiration biopsy, 197
Bone marrow transplant (BMT), 201
Bone reabsorption inhibitors, 493
Bone(s), 404, 409, 462, 465, 487–490.
See also specific bones
of lower extremities, 463–464
of upper extremities, 463
structure and function of, 455,
types of, 466–467
Bone scan, 492
Borborygmus, 255
Bowel movement, 225
Bowman capsule, 297
Bradycardia, 165, 177
Bradyphagia, 165
Bradypnea, 165
Brain, 420–422, 421f, 478
Brainstem, 421
Breast, 332, 347–349, 349f, 376–377,
Breastbone, 463, 476
Breast cancer, 348, 350, 376
Breath sounds, 133
Bronchial, 128
Bronchial tree, 118
Bronchiectasis, 109
Bronchiole(s), 109, 118
Bronchiolitis, 109
Bronchitis, 120, 128, 129
Bronchodilators, 139, 140f
Bronchopneumonia, 128
Bronchoscope, 109
Bronchoscopy, 136, 137f, 144–146
Bronchospasm, 120
Bronchostenosis, 120
Bronchus(i), 109, 118, 119
Bruit, 190
Bulbourethral glands, 354, 358
Bulla, 88f
Bundle branches, 174
Bundle of His, 174
Bunion, 487, 487f
Bursae, 480
Butterfly rash, of systemic lupus
erythematosus, 194f
C1-C5, 482
Calcaneodynia, 463
Calcaneum, 463, 476
Calcemia, 407, 409, 470
Calcitonin, 407
Calcium, 396, 407, 470
Calculus(i), 244, 248, 250, 281, 284, 358
Canal of Schlemm, 511, 526, 527f
Cancer (CA), 114, 230, 251
of breast, 348, 350, 376
of lung, 123, 135
of pancreas, 251
of prostate, 361–362, 377
renal, 284
Candida albicans, 366
Candidiasis, 366
Capillaries, 169, 170
Carbon dioxide (CO2), 120, 121, 122
Carbuncle, 84, 85f
Carcinoma(s), 81, 230, 242
papillary, 142, 143–144
Carcinophobia, 426
Carcinosarcoma of esophagus, evaluation,
terminology, 267
Cardiac, 34, 169, 179
Cardiac catheterization, 194, 195f, 206–207
medical records, 206
Cardiac center, 422
Cardiac cycle, 176–181
Cardiac enzyme studies, 194
Cardiac muscle fibers, 457
Cardiac tamponade, 160
Cardiography, 195
Cardiologist, 155
interventional, 155
pediatric, 155
Cardiology, 155
Cardiomegaly, 157, 177
Cardiothoracic surgeon, 155
Cardiovascular system, 156f, 159–181
abbreviations, 189
diagnostic procedures, 194–197
diseases and conditions, 190–193
therapeutic procedures, 198–200
word elements, 208–209
Cardioversion, 199
Cardium, 165
Carotid artery, 191f
atherosclerosis of, 179f
doppler ultrasonography of, 197f
Carotid endarterectomy, 200, 201f
Carpal tunnel syndrome, 487
Carpoptosis, 463
Carpus, 463, 476
Cartilage, 118, 456, 464, 469, 481
Cataract, 526
Cataract surgery, 533
Catheterization, 309, 310f
Caudal, 38
Cauterize, 54
Cecum, 239
Cell(s), 78–82, 411, 413, 425, 465
body organization and, 31–32
Cellular necrosis, 82
Central nervous system (CNS), 417–418
634 Index
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