effective plants (P
). Also, for tuning methods such as IMC and loop shaping, the maximum
controller order depends on the dynamics of the effective plant.
Tuning Compensators In Simulink
If the compensator in your Simulink model has constraints on its poles, zeros, or gain, you
cannot use LQG synthesis, loop shaping, or IMC tuning. For example, you cannot tune the
parameters of a PID Controller block using these methods. If your application requires
controller constraints, use an alternative automated or graphical tuning method.
Also, any compensator constraints in your Simulink model limit the structure of your
tuned compensator. For example, if you are using PID tuning and you configure your PID
Controller block as a PI controller, your tuned compensator must have a zero derivative
Select a Tuning Method
To select a tuning method, in Control System Designer, click Tuning Methods.
Control System Designer Tuning Methods