Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1

Single Loop Feedback/Prefilter Compensator Design

This example shows how to tune multiple compensators (feedback and prefilter) to
control a single loop using Control System Designer.

Open the Model

Open the engine speed control model and take a few moments to explore it.


Design Overview

This example introduces the process of designing a single-loop control system with both
feedback and prefilter compensators. The goal of the design is to:

  • Track the reference signal from a Simulink step block scdspeedctrl/Speed
    Reference. The design requirement is to have a settling time of under 5 seconds and
    zero steady-state error to the step reference input.

  • Reject an unmeasured output disturbance specified in the subsystem scdspeedctrl/
    External Disturbance. The design requirement is to reduce the peak deviation to
    190 RPM and to have zero steady-state error for a step disturbance input.

In this example, the stabilization of the feedback loop and the rejection of the output
disturbance are achieved by designing the PID compensator scdspeedctrl/PID
Controller. The prefilter scdspeedctrl/Reference Filter is used to tune the
response of the feedback system to changes in the reference tracking.

9 Classical Control Design

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