In Control System Tuner, the shaded area on the plot represents the region in the
frequency domain in which the tuning goal is not met. The plot shows the value of the R-
index described in “About Sector Bounds and Sector Indices” (Control System Toolbox).
In the Tuning tab of Control System Tuner, select New Goal > Conic Sector Goal.
Command-Line Equivalent
When tuning control systems at the command line, use TuningGoal.ConicSector to
specify a step response goal.
I/O Transfer Selection
Use this section of the dialog box to specify the inputs and outputs of the transfer
function that the tuning goal constrains. Also specify any locations at which to open loops
for evaluating the tuning goal.
- Specify input signals
Select one or more signal locations in your model as inputs to the transfer function
that the tuning goal constrains. To constrain a SISO response, select a single-valued
input signal. For example, to constrain the gain from a location named 'u' to a
location named 'y', click Add signal to list and select 'u'. To constrain the
passivity of a MIMO response, select multiple signals or a vector-valued signal.
- Specify output signals
Select one or more signal locations in your model as outputs of the transfer function
that the tuning goal constrains. To constrain a SISO response, select a single-valued
output signal. For example, to constrain the gain from a location named 'u' to a
location named 'y', click Add signal to list and select 'y'. To constrain the
passivity of a MIMO response, select multiple signals or a vector-valued signal.
- Compute input/output gain with the following loops open
Select one or more signal locations in your model at which to open a feedback loop for
the purpose of evaluating this tuning goal. The tuning goal is evaluated against the
open-loop configuration created by opening feedback loops at the locations you
identify. For example, to evaluate the tuning goal with an opening at a location named
'x', click Add signal to list and select 'x'.
10 Control System Tuning