Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1
Multiloop Control of a Helicopter.................... 13-217

Fixed-Structure Autopilot for a Passenger Jet .......... 13-226

Fault-Tolerant Control of a Passenger Jet.............. 13-240

Passive Control of Water Tank Level.................. 13-251

Tuning for Multiple Values of Plant Parameters ......... 13-270

Tune Field-Oriented Controllers Using SYSTUNE....... 13-282

Model Verification


Monitor Linear System Characteristics in Simulink Models
................................................ 14-2

Define Linear System for Model Verification Blocks....... 14-4

Verifiable Linear System Characteristics................. 14-5

Verify Model at Default Simulation Snapshot Time ........ 14-6

Verify Model at Multiple Simulation Snapshots .......... 14-15

Verify Model Using Simulink Control Design and Simulink
Verification Blocks................................ 14-25

Verifying Frequency-Domain Characteristics of an Aircraft
............................................... 14-33

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