Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1

For this example, specify a known steady-state engine speed. To do so, add an output
specification at the output of the rad/s to rpm block.

opspec = addoutputspec(opspec,'scdspeed/rad//s to rpm',1);

Specify a known value of 2000 rpm for the output constraint.

opspec.Outputs(1).Known = 1;
opspec.Outputs(1).y = 2000;

View the updated operating point specification.


Operating point specification for the Model scdspeed.
(Time-Varying Components Evaluated at time t=0)


(1.) scdspeed/Throttle & Manifold/Intake Manifold/p0 = 0.543 bar
spec: dx = 0, initial guess: 0.543
(2.) scdspeed/Vehicle Dynamics/w = T//J w0 = 209 rad//s
spec: dx = 0, initial guess: 209


(1.) scdspeed/Throttle perturbation
initial guess: 0


(1.) scdspeed/rad//s to rpm
spec: y = 2e+03

Trim Model

Find an operating point that meets these specifications.

op1 = findop(mdl,opspec);

Operating point search report:

Compute Operating Points from Specifications at the Command Line
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