Simulink Control Design™ - MathWorks

(Tuis.) #1

Operating point search report for the Model scdspeed.
(Time-Varying Components Evaluated at time t=0)

Operating point specifications were successfully met.
(1.) scdspeed/Throttle & Manifold/Intake Manifold/p0 = 0.543 bar
x: 0.544 dx: 2.66e-13 (0)
(2.) scdspeed/Vehicle Dynamics/w = T//J w0 = 209 rad//s
x: 209 dx: -8.48e-12 (0)

(1.) scdspeed/Throttle perturbation
u: 0.00382 [-Inf Inf]

(1.) scdspeed/rad//s to rpm
y: 2e+03 (2e+03)

The operating point search report shows that the specifications were met successfully,
and that both states are at steady state as expected (dx = 0).

You can also specify bounds for outputs during trimming. For example, suppose that you
know that there is a steady-state condition between 1900 and 2100 rpm. To trim the
speed to this range, modify the operating point specifications.

opspec.Outputs(1).Min = 1900;
opspec.Outputs(1).Max = 2100;

In this case, since you do not know the output value, specify the output as unknown. You
can also provide an initial guess for the output value.

opspec.Outputs(1).Known = 0;
opspec.Outputs(1).y = 2050;

Find an operating point that meets these specifications.

op2 = findop(mdl,opspec);

Operating point search report:

1 Steady-State Operating Points

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