To check if a MATLAB pool is open, use the gcp function. If no pool is open, open one
using the parpool function.
if isempty(gcp)
parpool local
Starting parallel pool (parpool) using the 'local' profile ...
Connected to the parallel pool (number of workers: 6).
Distribute Simulink Simulations for Each Frequency in Sinestream Input
When you use a sinestream input signal with frestimate command and you set the
SimulationOrder parameter to 'OneAtATime', each frequency in the sinestream
signal simulates in a separate Simulink simulation. If you enable the parallel computing
option, the simulations corresponding to individual frequencies are distributed among
workers in the MATLAB pool.
Open the model, and obtain the linear analysis points stored in the model.
mdl = 'scdengine';
io = getlinio(mdl);
Speed Up Frequency Response Estimation Using Parallel Computing