Create a sinestream input signal with a 'OneAtATime' simulation order.
in = frest.Sinestream('Frequency',logspace(-1,1,50),'Amplitude',1e-3,...
In this model, there is a single linearization input point and a single linearization output
point. There are 50 frequencies in the sinestream signal. The frestimate command
performs 50 separate Simulink simulations because the SimulationOrder parameter is
set to 'OneAtATime'.
To distribute these simulations among workers, enable parallel computing for
frestimate. Create a frequency response estimation options object using the command
frestimateOptions, and set the UseParallel parameter to 'on'. Use this object as
an input argument for frestimate.
opt = frestimateOptions('UseParallel','on');
sysest = frestimate(mdl,io,in,opt);
5 Frequency Response Estimation