BIOINORGANIC CHEMISTRY A Short Course Second Edition

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N7 sites, see also adenine, guanine, 47,
141, 248t, 268
N-terminal, 34–35, 353f, 37f, 38, 40, 42,
57, 68–69, 151, 200 –202, 333, 346,
386, 410
calmodulin and, 303, 303f, 306–326,
309t, 312f, 314 –315t
methane monooxygenase and,
potassium ion channels and, 208f,
213–214, 216, 218, 220 –233
Nuclear magnetic relaxation, 100, 107–
108, 109 –110
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
applications, generally, 98–101
basic information, 99–101
Boltzmann distribution, 100, 109
calmodulin and, 303–308, 303f, 305f,
307f, 309t, 311–312, 312f, 313–
326, 318f
characteristics of, 98–101
chemical shift, 99, 101–104, 105 –106,
105f, 109 –117, 172, 177, 281–282,
contact shifts, 103
COSY, 112–116, 113f, 118
cytochrome c structure and, 408, 411,
415 – 417, 416f, 421
descriptive examples, 117–122
Fourier transform (FT), 80 –81, 92,
94, 110 –112, 111f, 149
free induction decay (FID), 110 –118,
112f, 113f, 115f
instrumentation 101–102, 110 –111
Jvalues, see also spin-spin coupling,
104 –106, 117, 106f
lanthanides and, 103, 125
magnetic properties of nuclei, 98–100
magnetogyric ratio, 98–100
model compounds, 282, 352–353,
376–378, 439–410
multi-dimensional, 116 –117
NOESY, 112, 115–116, 118, 316, 320
nuclear magnetic relaxation, 100, 107–
108, 109 –110
nuclear overhauser effect (NOE),
107, 108–110, 112, 122, 202, 316,

nuclear screening, 101–104, 105f
nuclear spin, 77–78, 99, 99f, 104,
106 –108
receptivity, 98, 109
relaxation times T 1 and T 2 , 107–109,
110, 116
spectral integration, 106–107, 111
spectrum, obtaining, 110–111
spin-spin coupling, 104 –106, 106f, 107,
108, 112–118, 122
spin-spin decoupling, 106–107, 113
TOCSY, 112–116, 118
two-dimensional (2D), 111–116
Nuclear overhauser effect (NOE),
107, 108–110, 112, 122, 202, 316,
Nuclear overhauser effect spectroscopy
(NOESY), 112, 115–116, 118,
316, 320
Nuc1eic acids: see also DNA, RNA
DNA: see also DNA
building blocks, 47, 48–49t
molecular structures, 48–49t
genes and cloning, 58–61
genetic information transmission,
genetic mutations, 56–58
genomics, 61–63
human genome, 30, 39, 41, 50, 54, 57,
RNA: see also ribozymes
building blocks, 47, 48–49t
molecular structures, 48–49t
site-directed mutagenesis, 56–58,
ribozymes and, 241–244, 251, 254,
257–260, 259t, 260f, 262f, 279,
286, 296–297, 300–301
Nucleophilic attack, 245, 248f, 255, 257–
258, 262, 269, 272, 276, 279, 286–
287, 335, 366f, 374, 382
Nucleosides, defi ned, 47, 48– 49t
group I intron ribozyme and, 244
defi ned, 47, 48– 49t
Na+/K+-ATPase and, 200, 202
polymerization, 30
properties in DNA, 53t
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