280 Spiritual Astrology
because the concept of love should give sufficient stir to
the lower vehicles for the transformation of the very basic
nature of man. The response on the lower planes, through
the agency of form, stirs up the various components of
the lower vehicles, until form raises man to realise the
‘power through the arrangement of things’. The mere
presence of a beautiful form causes rearrangement of the
psychic levels. The change that follows is like that of an
iron bar into a magnet. Mere rearrangement of atoms and
molecules on the lower plane is necessary to make the
innate power of magnetism manifest. Then only, it is
realised that pure love exists in the null-point of various
magnetic currents. The pure ray of Venus represents this
state of poise, which is the absolute quality of Libra. The
sense of beauty in man causes the chain reactions that
begin with a rearrangement of the etheric currents in man.
The culmination of the chain reactions is the end of the
struggle of mind and the release of beauty from the
bondage of form.
The personality of our planetary Logos is composed
of three principles : (a) Our earth forms the vital body, (b)
our Mercury forms the mental body, and (c) our Venus
forms the astral body. These three put together, constitute
the personality of our planetary Logos. For this reason
our earth as a planet rules over the functions of Gemini
and Sagittarius through the activity of the poles. Our
Venus rules over the activity of the dual function of
Gemini and Taurus on the one hand and Libra and
Capricorn on the other. Mercury works as a linking
principle between these two sets of functions. We can now
understand what a wide range of action Venus has upon
the evolution of this earth and the beings on this earth.
Truly has he a dominant role.