Venus 281
The concept of beauty in man exists in physical
forms, when he is governed by Mars on the lower plane.
This concept is raised to mental forms, when Mercury
collaborates with Venus in evolution. This is the starting
point of meditation. When man commences to think of a
beautiful form in the absence of a physical vehicle of form,
he is freed from the bondage of matter. But man at first
requires material moulds of beauty, ere he conceives
beauty without form. The temples and images of Gods
erected in brick and mortar serve just this purpose at first.
The worship in the temple elevates man through the initial
bondage of matter. Venus in his higher levels, induces
and accelerates the realisation. The process of creation is
from thought-form to matter-form. Conversely, the path
of liberation is from matter-form to thought-form.
Thought-form retains the power of beauty in mind. This
is gradually raised from the bondage of form to the level
of concept. At this level, the power of beauty is elevated
from the bondage of form. In the next stage, the power of
beauty exists in man as the equilibrium of consciousness.
The beauty at this stage is one of the potencies of soul.
We find the full expression of Venus at this level. The
role of Woman serves the mission of Venus to raise man
from his bondage in matter to the realisation in his soul-
It is an occult truth that the physical aspect of the
spermatozoa of man are ruled by Venus. While the
descent of egos into generation through the spermatozoa
as their vehicles comes under the lunar ray, their coming
down is governed by Mars who causes the attraction
between the two lower poles. When the concept of beauty
is raised from matter to mind, Mars gradually loses his
hold over these vehicles of the descending egos. As a