Sweta Dweepa : The White Island. The abode of Lord
Na-ra-yan.a. It exists as the seventh plane
of Maha-paranirva-n.a.
Takshaka : Name of a serpent king in Maha-bha-rata.
The term means an etcher. It
corresponds with the Tibetan term
‘Fohat’ which digs holes in space for
creation. It is known as the masculine
form of the cosmic energy.
Thishya : A lunar asterism which is located in the
sign Cancer. Also the name of a mystic
constellation about which there will be
a major conjunction of planets that
marks the end of Kali Yuga.
Thrayee Vidya : The wisdom of the Vedas. The three-fold
wisdom. The three-fold evolution of
“The Word’.
Three-headed Dog : Sarama of Ve-da-s and the Maha-bha-rata.
Cerberus of Greek mythology. It is
supposed to watch at the threshold of
hell. The function of the desire body in
man. The Dog Star presides over the
functions of this elemental.
Throat-Centre : See Chakra-s.
Tidhi : A thirtieth part of the lunar month. The
duration of each tidhi makes an
apparent angle of 12° between the Sun
and the Moon. (See the tables on
- s).
Tittiri : A bird which is said to have uttered forth
Yajur Ve-da-, the second of the Ve-da-s.
Esoterically it is the bird of life in its
capacity to arrange the whole span of