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life in a ritualistic pattern.

Trinosophia : A sacred book of rituals composed by the
Comte De Saint Germain. The term
means three-fold wisdom. (See Thrayee

Tumbura : A God of the Gandharva plane who
belongs to the musical hierarchy.


Udanka : The name of a disciple of the sage
Dhaumya. Once his Guru sent him to
bring the ear-rings of the wife of king
Paushya to adorn the ears of his own
wife. In quest of them Udanka
experienced many wonders and faced
many obstacles. He could overcome the
obstacles by the help of Indra and other
year gods. He brought the ear-rings
successfully home. As a result of the
journey he was initiated into the secrets
of the whole year and its rituals. The
allegory symbolises the journey of the

Uttara-yan.a : The Northern path of the Sun.


Vaikhari : See Va-k.

Va-k : The Word, in all its levels. The four-fold
wisdom of the Ve-da-s and the Pura-n.a-s
describe the four stages of the
emanation of the Word. They are (1)
Para (Word as the utterer), (2) Pas’yanthi
(The Word as concept), (3) Madhyama
(The Word as language) and (4)

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