Introduction to Electric Circuits

(Michael S) #1

132 Resonance

Dividing both numerator and denominator by IR we have
H = 1,/[1 + j~oL//R + 1/jwCR]
H- 1/{1 + j[wL/R- 1/o~CR]} (6.8)
Now from Equation (6.4), 0 = o)oL//R and multiplying both sides by ~o/~o0 we
( OJo/OJo)O - woL// R (6.9)
Also, since woL/R = 1/woCR (because woL - 1/woC at resonance then)
Q = 1/woRC (6.10)
Multiplying both sides by ~o0//w we have
(Wo/w)Q- 1/wRC (6.11)
Substituting from Equations (6.9) and (6.11) into Equation (6.8) we see that
H- 1,,/{1 + jQ[(w/O)o) - (o90/o9)]} (6.12)
The phase angle is given by
tan -~ [(~oL - 1/wC)/R] (6.13)
If H is plotted to a base of frequency we obtain the graph in Fig. 6.14 and the
graph of the phase angle to the same base is given in Fig. 6.15. Note that when
XL = Xc, & = 0; when XL = 0, ~ lies between 0 and -90~ when Xc = 0, 4~ lies
between 0 and +90 ~

Figure 6.14

H '
1 ....

070 ....

0 fl fo f2 f

Figure 6.15


+901 ,~

-45 J
-90 I___

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