Introduction to Electric Circuits

(Michael S) #1
6.2 Parallel resonance 133


Also in Chapter 4 we saw that under certain conditions the parallel RLC circuit
behaves as a pure resistor because the phasors representing the circuit supply
voltage and the total current drawn from the supply are in phase with each
other. This condition is known as parallel resonance and in order to analyse it
more fully the circuit diagram is given again in Fig. 6.16, the relevant phasor
diagram being shown in Fig. 6.17.


Figure 6.16

L ,c
R IL cos ~L
) --.
"1 I V
L ~~ I
It. sin Ct_ It.
Figure 6.1 7

The important relationships in the circuit of Fig. 6.16 are:
I = IC + IL phasorially (6.14)
Ic- V//Xc (6.15)
I L -- V//ZL (6.16)
where ZL = R + JXL - V'(R 2 + XL2).
The phasor diagram of Fig. 6.17 is drawn with the supply voltage V as the
reference phasor. The current phasor Ic is drawn leading V by 90~ the current
phasor IL is drawn lagging V by an angle 4~L where the - tan-~ (XL//R) and is the
phase angle of the branch containing the inductance.
From this phasor diagram it is seen that for the circuit supply voltage (V) and
the total current drawn from the supply (I) to be in phase,
Ic = IL sin 4~L (6.17)
where Ic is the current through the capacitor C, IL is the current through the
inductance L, 4~L is the phase angle of the branch containing R and L, and
4u - sin-~ (XI_,//ZL) (6.18)
From Equations (6.15), (6.16) and (6.18) we have, by substitution in Equation
v/xc- VXL/[X/(R ~ + XL ~) • X/(R ~ + X~2)]

Dividing throughout by V and putting Xc - 1/2-rrf0C and XL -- 2"rrf0L (f~ being
the resonant frequency) we have

2-rrfo C - 2-rrfoL/[R 2 + (2"nfoL)21
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