The cofactor of an element am,,
the minor of the element.
7.2 Matrices 145
in a square matrix is defined to be (-1)m+" times
Example 7.6
Find the cofactors of the elements in row 1 of the matrix
A ___ 1 3 4
2 3
1 -2
The cofactor of element all is found by removing the first row and the first
column and multiplying the determinant of the resulting 2 • 2 submatrix (i.e.
the minor of the element) by (--1) (1+1). Thus the cofactor of the element all is
(_1)~1+1)]2 3
1 -2
- (-1)2[(2 X -2)- (3 • 1)]- -7
Similarly, by removing the first row and the second column we find the cofactor
of a12. Therefore the cofactor of the element a12 is
(--1)( 1+2 )^2 3
1 -2
- (-1)3[(2 • -2) - (3 • 1)] : 7
We remove the first row and the third column to find the cofactor of the
element a13. Therefore the cofactor of the element a13 is
1)4[(2 • 1) - (2 • 1)1 = 0
Evaluation of A using cofactors
Determinants can be calculated in terms of cofactors using the rule
A- m=l E am~C,,,~ (7.1)
where x is the order of the square matrix, a,m is the element, and Cm~ is the
cofactor of the element.
Example 7.7
Evaluate the determinant of the matrix