Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

destroyed the idol, taken prisoners and seized livestock. The male captives
who refused to accept Islam were executed.^209

In the same month, Muhammad sent `Ukkasha b. Mihsan to raid al-Jinab.^210

During the 101st month after the Hijra, Muhammad is said to have received
news that the Byzantine Emperor Heraclius had assembled the Lakhm, Jud-
ham, Ghassan and Amila, and that their advance guard had reached al-Balqa. As Muhammad mobilized his forces, some of the hypocrites^211 and the Ghifar asked for permission to remain behind. Muham^212 mad and 30,000 men advanced to Tabuk. Muhammad sent Khalid b. Walid with 420 horse- men from Tabuk to raid the Christian king Ukaydir b.Abdulmalik
in Dumat al-Jandal. The Muslims captured Ukaydir, who was hunting wild
cows outside of his fortress. Using Ukaydir as a hostage, Khalid had him
demand entrance to the fortress for the Muslims. After they were refused,
the king promised Khalid 2000 camels, 800 cattle, 400 coats o^213 f mail and
400 spears, if he let him be released. Ukaydir was freed, entered the
fortress, kept his word, and later agreed to pay the "jizya" (tribute) in
Muhammad's presence. Upon hearing of Ukaydir's fate, the ki^214 ng
(governor) of Ayla, a Christian named Yuhanna b. Ruba is said to have
come to Tabuk with the inhabitants of Jarba and Adhruh. They also agreed
to pay the "jizya." The Muslims are also reported to have subjected the
Jews of Maqna to pay the "jizya." Without engaging any of the Byzantine
forces, the Muslims, who had been suffering from the heat and lack of
water, began their return to Medina. Many verses of Qur'an 9 a^215 re said to
have been revealed with repect to the expedition to Tabuk.^216

While Muhammad was preparing for the expedition to Tabuk, some of the
Banu Sulaym came to him and said that they had built a mosque for the ill
and poor and as a shelter in bad weather. They requested that Muhammad
come to their mosque and lead the prayers for them, and Muhammad said
he would come when he had more time. On his return from Tabuk,
however, Qur'an 9:108 is said to have been revealed to Muhammad, and he
then came to learn that this "mosque of opposition" had been built for (a
mysterious) Abu `Amir. Muhammad sent some of his men, who destroyed
the mosque and had it burned.^217

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