Muhammad, the Qur\'an & Islam

(National Geographic (Little) Kids) #1

Muhammad, the Qur'an and Islam

accepted as lords with Allah and the Messiah, and v. 32 charges that the
People of the Book wanted to extinguish God's Light, but that God will
perfect it. The v. 33 says that Muhammad was sent with guidance and true
religion, in order to make it appear over every other religion. In the vv. 34f
rabbis and monks are accused of having misappropriated contributions and
of turning others from "Allah's way," and those who do not contribute to
"Allah's way" will reportedly be sent to Hell. In the vv. 36f the intercalary
month is abolished, and a command is given to fight idolaters^230. The vv.
38f en- courage to go forth in "Allah's way," where fighting is meant, and it
is said that Allah will punish those who do not participate. The v. 40
reportedly refers to Muhammad and Abu Bakr's escape during the Hijra,
and v. 41 encourages to fight in "Allah's way." The v. 42 appears to be a
complaint against those who did not want to go to Tabuk because it was too
far away. The v. 43 requests that God forgive Muhammad for permitting
some not to go out (to Tabuk), and the vv. 44f claim that those who
requested permission (not to go out) were unbelievers, and that it was better
they did not go out anyway. The v. 50 says that the unbelievers are sad if all
goes well (for the Muslims), but they are happy not to have been with them
when a defeat occurs. The v. 51 says that God allows what happens to
Muslims and that He is their defender, and v. 52 shows that the Muslims
awaited God's punishment of the unbelievers. In v. 58 Muhammad is
accused of unjust distribution of the alms, and v. 60 explains that the alms
are for the poor and needy, the collectors, those whose hearts were to be
won, and others. The v. 61 shows that Muhammad felt hurt by the^231
accusation of being called an "ear," and v. 62 claims there wil^232 l be a
punishment for those who hurt Muhammad. The v. 63 speaks of the
hypocrites, and v. 64 states that those who are against Allah and
Muhammad will be sent to Hell. The v. 65 says that the hypocrites were
afraid that a sura would be revealed about themselves, and the canonical
traditions indicate that such fears were also shared by Muslims. The v. 66^233
refers to some uncertain question asked the hypocrites, who replied that
they were just conversing and joking, and Muhammad asks if they were not
rather mocking Allah, the Qur'an (signs) and himself. The v. 67 says that
they (the hypocrites) became unbelievers after belief, and v. 68 presents
them as having commanded the wrong, forbidden the right, and of having
closed their hands (to making contributions); the hypocrites are said to have
forgotten God, and God is said to have forgotten them. The v. 69 promises
Hell for the hypocrites and unbelievers. In v. 71 Muhammad is said to have
received the stories about the peoples of Noah, the `Ad, the Thamud,
Abraham, Midian and the unrepentant (Sodom and Gomorrah?) as^234 having

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