Court Poetry in Late Medieval England and Scotland

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  1. Roland Barthes,Mythologies, trans. Annette Lavers (New York, 1972 ), 114 – 15.

  2. We may compare Joan Copjec’s account of the Lacanian gaze as the point“at
    which something appears to beinvisible the moment the gaze is
    discerned, the image, the entire visualfield, takes on a terrifying alterity ...
    When you encounter the gaze of the Other, you meet not a seeing eye, but a
    blind one”:Read my Desire: Lacan against the Historicists(Cambridge, MA,
    1994 ), 34 – 36.

  3. Jacques Lacan,The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psycho-Analysis, ed. Jacques-
    Alain Miller and trans. Alan Sheridan (London, 1977 ), 96.

  4. Fradenburg,City, Marriage, Tournament, 146.

  5. Smith,Arts of Possession, 201 , citing the testimony of“John Suffolk le heraud”
    in theCuria Militaristrials (National Archives, PRO C 47 / 6 / 1 mem. 3 ). On
    heraldry at the Scottish court, see Fradenburg,City, Marriage, Tournament,
    79 – 81 ; Carol Edington,Court and Culture in Renaissance Scotland: Sir David
    Lindsay of the Mount(Amherst, 1994 ), 26 – 32.

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of the paranoid subject
1. Nelson,John Skelton, 161 – 65.
2. See Lerer,Chaucer, 19 – 56 , 147 – 208 ;Meyer-Lee,Poems and Power; and on the
difficult relation between laureate andvates,Griffiths,John Skelton, 25 – 37 .On
the relevant iconography, see Julie A. Smith,“The Poet Laureate as University
Master: John Skelton’s Woodcut Portrait,”Renaissance Rereadings: Intertext and
Context, ed. Maryanne Cline Horowitz et al. (Urbana, 1988 ), 159 – 83 ( 163 – 66 ). In
addition to the works already cited, see on laureation, J.B. Trapp,“The Owl’s
Ivy and the Poet’sBays,”Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 21
( 1958 ), 227 – 55 ,and“The Poet Laureate: Rome,Renovatio andTranslatio
Imperii,”in P.A. Ramsey (ed.),Rome in the Renaissance: The City and the Myth
(Binghamton, 1982 ), 93 – 130 ; Priscilla Bawcutt,“Henryson’s‘Poeit of the Auld
Fassoun,’”Review of English Studiesn.s. 32 ( 1981 ), 429 – 34 ( 431 – 34 ); Green,Poets
and Princepleasers, 209 – 11.
3 .Caxton’s Own Prose, ed. N. F. Blake (London, 1973 ), 80.
4. Wakelin,Humanism, 148 – 49.
5. Except where otherwise stated, all references to Skelton are to John Skelton,
The Complete English Poems, ed. John Scattergood (Harmondsworth: Penguin,
1983 ).
6. Kuskin,Symbolic Caxton, 257 – 83 ( 270 , 279 ).
7. Edwards,“From Manuscript to Print.”
8. Lynn Enterline, “Embodied Voices: Petrarch Reading (Himself Reading)
Ovid,”Desire in the Renaissance: Psychoanalysis and Literature, ed. Valeria
Finucci and Regina Schwartz (Princeton, 1994 ), 120 – 45 ( 121 ).
9. Antony J. Hasler,“Cultural Intersections: Skelton, Barclay, Hawes, André,”
John Skelton and Early Modern Culture: Papers Honoring Robert S. Kinsman
(Tempe, 2008 ), 63 – 84 ( 69 – 71 ).

Notes to Pages 40 – 44 189
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