The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Friendship 287

the male gender role, we might expect
that men are more likely than women
to suffer from this form of role conflict.
Judgment versus acceptance:An im-
portant attribute of friendship is mu-
tual acceptance. The work role might
require one person to critically evaluate
the other, which creates a differential
status between the two people. Because
men are more sensitive to the status
aspects of relationships, this challenge
may be especially hard on men’s friend-
ships. However, we also learned that
women are more likely to make inter-
nal attributions for criticism—to take
feedback to heart. Thus, criticism from
friends at work may jeopardize women’s


■ Friendship at work is increasingly common and tends to
be associated with enhanced work productivity and job
■ Work presents opportunities for the development of
cross-sex friendships. Cross-sex friendships may present
more advantages to work for women than men.
■ Friendships at work can present conflict between the
friendship role and the worker role.

Changes Over the Life Span

Friendship changes throughout childhood,
adolescence, and adulthood. Friendship takes
on increasing importance in adolescence—
especially for girls. During adolescence, girls
begin to spend more time with friends than
boys, and girls’ friendships become more
intimate and self-disclosing than those of
boys (Swenson & Rose, 2009).

to whether gender ought to be an important
factor in these kinds of conflicts. You can test
these ideas in Do Gender 8.5.

Impartiality versus favoritism:As
a friend, we expect special treatment
and favoritism, but the workplace typi-
cally requires treating people equally.
Is there any reason to believe men or
women would be more likely to suffer
from this role conflict?
Openness versus closedness:Friend-
ships require open, honest communi-
cation. At work, we may be expected to
hold confidences. Because women self-
disclose to friends more than men do,
women might be more likely than men
to suffer from this role conflict. How-
ever, sex differences in self-disclosure
are clearer when the topic is a personal
one. It is not clear if a work-related
topic is considered personal.
Autonomy versus connectedness:
Work provides a way of connecting
to one another, which should foster
friendship. Difficulties arise when we
feel a lack of autonomy in a friendship
because we spend so much time with a
friend (i.e., seeing the person daily at
work). Because autonomy is central to


Role Conflict at Work

Develop items to measure the forms of
role conflict discussed by Bridge and
Baxter (1992). Administer the items to
men and women who have a close friend
at work. Determine if there are sex differ-
ences. Also, develop a set of open-ended
questions to assess role conflict at work.

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