The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
288 Chapter 8

the number of cross-sex friends increased over
the next four years, but more so for girls than
boys (Poulin & Pedersen, 2007). As shown in
Figure 8.9, girls and boys had a similar num-
ber of cross-sex friends in sixth grade but girls
had more cross-sex friends than boys in grades
7 through 10. In college, there is more op-
portunity for cross-sex friendships due to the
availability of potential friends and the similar
status that men and women hold in college.
More than chronological age, life events
affect friendship. Getting married, becoming
a parent, building a career, retiring, and wid-
owhood are all examples of structural issues
that may influence friendships for women
and men. Some of these life events are more
likely to be experienced by one sex than the
other or are more likely to have an effect on
the friendships of one sex than the other. For

Cross-sex friendship increases from
childhood to adolescence. In childhood, cross-
sex friendship is rare, perhaps because children
do not have the opportunity to make friends
with members of the other sex. At times, girls
and boys are pitted against each other. In
school, there may be the boys’ lunch line and
the girls’ lunch line. Often, teams are formed
by having the girls compete against the boys.
In addition, children, especially boys, are often
teased if they play with the other sex. During
adolescence, girls and boys begin to interact
more with each other and to form friendships
with the other sex. Some of those friendships
will evolve into romantic relationships, and
some will remain platonic. Cross-sex friend-
ship increases during adolescence and peaks in
later adolescence and young adulthood. A lon-
gitudinal study of sixth graders showed that

FIGURE 8.9 Boys and girls have the same number of cross-sex friends in 6th
grade but girls have more cross-sex friends than boys in grades 7 through 10.
Source: Adapted from Poulin and Pedersen (2007).

Number of Cross-Sex Friends










6 7 8 9 10

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