The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Subject Index 623

Augusta National Golf Club, 15
Autonomyvs.connectedness, 287
Backlash: The Undeclared War against
American Women(Faludi), 43
Backlash effect, 92
Bakan, David, 57
Balkans, multiple genders in, 12
Behavior, risky, 376–379
Behavioral confirmation, 175
Belgium, 297
Bem Sex Role Inventory (BSRI), 54–55,
56–57, 170
Benevolent discrimination, 73
Benevolent sexism, 71–74
and female criminals, 76
negative attitudes toward
homosexuality, 76
Berdache, 11
Benevolent sexism, 433
health effect of, 402–405
evidence of, 403
explanation of, 403–405
studies of, 402–403
Bias, 38, 215
age, 105
clinician, 492–493
fundamental attribution
error, 127
physician, 355
response, 493–494
selection, 33
self-serving, 202, 204
shared identity and, 245
social desirability response, 44, 45
Binge eating disorder, 527
Biological theories
of depression, 497–499
brain, 499
genes, 497
hormones, 497–499
of eating disorders, 529
of health, 350–354
cardiovascular reactivity, 352–353
genes, 350
hormones, 350–351
immune system, 351–352
of sex differences, 135–142
brain, 141–142
genes, 135–136
hormones, 136–141
psychobiosocial models, 142
Bisexuals, 7
cross-sex friendship and, 283–284
Bipolar disorder, 490
Blacks, unemployment among, 443
Blood pressure, conflict discussions and,
BMI.See Body mass index (BMI)
Body mass index (BMI), 369
Body objectification, 516
negative effects of, 516
Borderline personality disorder, 518
Black communities, violence in, 153
Books, gender-role socialization and,
Boys.See alsoChildren
differential treatment of boys and girls,
girls’ difficulty in influencing boys, 225

Boys Will Be Boys: Breaking the Link
between Masculinity and Violence
(Miedzian), 152
Brain, sex differences and, 141–142
Brain studies, 48–49
Breast cancer, 351, 366
Broken Heart, The(Lynch), 390
BSRI.See Bem Sex Role Inventory
Buffering effects of marriage on health, 398
Bulimia nervosa, 527
Bush, George H., 152
Bush, George W., 152
Bypass surgery, 356
CAH.See Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
CAIS.See Complete androgen insensitivity
syndrome (CAIS)
Canada, 297
Cancer, 344–345
breast, 351, 366
lung, 360
Capital, family, 465
Cardiovascular disease, 347
Cardiovascular reactivity, 352–353
Caregiving role, depression of, 513–514
Cartoons, 96, 149, 150, 151, 212
Castration anxiety, 146
Category-based expectancies, 80–81
Catastrophic thinking, 383
gender-role stereotypes among, 83, 98
Internet usage and, 229
correlational studies and, 37–38
dimensions of, 202–203
longitudinal study and, 37–38
CEDAW.See Convention on the Elimination
of All Forms of Discrimination
against Women (CEDAW)
Cell phones, 229
Center for Epidemiological Studies in
Depression (CES-D) scale, 488
Cerebrovascular disease, 344–345
CES-D.See Center for Epidemiological
Studies in Depression (CES-D)
Childbearing, preference for child’s sex, 14
Child care, father’s involvement in, 418–419,
Childless couples, 418
custody of, 417, 419
effects of homosexual parents on, 419–420
family supportive workplace and,
gender-role stereotype in, 86–87
interaction styles in, 221–226
girls’ difficulty in influencing boys, 225
institutional support, 225–226
play styles, 222–225
maternal wall and, 467–468
obesity and, 370–371
parenting and health of, 417–423
pay parity and, 468–470
women as primary caretakers of, 145, 147
China, marital bonus in, 471
benevolent sexism and, 73
gender role attitudes among, 70
Chodorow, Nancy, 17, 147
Chores, household.SeeHousehold chores
Cho Seung-Hui, 121

Chronic illness, 348, 524–526
adjustment to, 524–526
of children to, 522
gender role and, 522–525
alcohol and drug problems and, 495
biology and, 497–499
bipolar disorder, 490
caregiving, 513–514
children to, 522
clinical depression (major depressive
disorder), 487–540
coping, 500–508
emotion-focused, 501
problem-focused, 500
relative, 502–503
specific strategies of, 502–503
cross-cultural studies of, 490
defined, 348
different cause theory, 496–497
eating disorders, 526–532
female-gender role, 511–513, 525–526
communication and agency, 511
unmitigated communion, 511–513
gender role, 522,525–526
male, 522–525
female, 525–526
interactive theory, 497
learned helplessness, 499–500
male gender role, 522–525
methodological artifacts in findings on,
clinician bias, 492–493
different manifestations, 494–495
response bias, 493–494
precipitating factors, 496
same cause theory, 496
suicide, 532–537
attempts to, 534–535
factors associated with, 535–537
gender paradox, 535
incidence of, 532–534
susceptibility factors, 495
after widowhood, 490
Chronic lower respiratory disease, 344–345
Church, behavioral constraints and, 176
Cirrhosis of liver, 366
Citadel, 15
Class, masculine mystique and, 153
Clinical depression (major depressive
disorder), 487–540
Clinician bias, 492–493
Clinton, Bill, 469
Clinton, Hillary, 16, 245
Cobain, Kurt, 532
Coercion (egoistic dominance), 166
Cognition, 142
hunter-gatherer society and, 145
social learning theory, 148, 150
toys and, 159
Cognitive abilities
comprehensive assessment of, 117–118
mathematical ability, 114–115
spatial ability, 108–113
verbal ability, 115–117
Cognitive confirmation, 174
Cohabitation, 335–339
adverse effect on marriages, 338–339
candidates for, 337
conceptualizations of, 336
factors for, 336
negative effects of, 338
outcomes of, 337–339
patterns of, 336–337

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