The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
626 Subject Index

Gender ideologies, 68
Gender incongruent task, 353
Gender inequality, indices of, 14
Gender intensification, 106, 515
Gender and other mental illnesses, 517–519
Gender tension line, 414
Gender-role(s).See also History of gender
attitudes, 320
defined, 7
division of labor and, 414
egalitarian, 8
marital satisfaction with women
working and, 447
traditional, 8
attitude towards
men’s and women’s roles, 68–70
sex discrimination, 97–99
sexism, 70–78
stereotyping, 79–96
depression and, 511–514
caregiving, 513–514
communion and agency, 511
unmitigated communion, 511–513
Freud on, 146–147
identity, 7
interrole conflict and, 5
intrarole conflict and, 5
in kibbutz, 374
as multifaceted, 59
norm violation, 5–6
depression and, 487–488
environment and, 158–164
other people’s influence, 156–157
parents’ influence, 154–156
stereotype, 9
altering views on, 91–92
in children, 86–87
components of, 81–86
concept of, 79–81
contemporary status of, 95–96
effects, 87–91
homosexuals, 84–86
older people, 83
reality and, 93–95
subcategories of, 87
strain, 60–63
defined, 60
female, 63
male, 61–63
self-role discrepancy theory, 60
socialized dysfunctional characteristic
theory, 60–61
suicide and, 535
Gender schema theory, 168–173
Gender schematic individual, 169
Genes, 135–136
depression and, 497
Girls.See alsoChildren
differential treatment of boys and, 154–156
girls’ difficulty in influencing boys, 225
Glass ceiling, 459
Glass escalator, 460
Group socialization, 157
Growing Pains, 95
Growth mindset, 199
Gynoid obesity, 369
Hasbro Toys, 159
Hazards of Being Male, The(Goldberg), 61
Health behaviors, marriage and, 400

Health care services, 349
alcohol, 366–367
prevalence, 366–367
artifacts and, 350, 354–358
socioeconomic status, 354–355
physician bias, 355
heart disease and, 355–358
behaviors, 358–374
preventive health care, 358–359
biology and, 350–354
cardiovascular reactivity, 352–353
genes, 350
hormones, 350–351
immune system, 351–352
division of labor, 411–417
effects on well-being, 459–460
gender-role attitudes, 414
household labor and, 412–416
power and, 414–415
relationship commitment, 415–416
satisfaction with, 416–417
sexual orientation and, 457–458
work outside the home and, 415
drugs, 367–369
prevalence, 368–369
exercise, 371–374
illness behavior and, 384–386, 349
implication of mortality, 385–386
implications for morbidity, 384–385
intimate partner violence, 423–430
characteristics of perpetrator, 427–429
in dual-earner couples, 447–448
empathic accuracy measurement, 430
incidence, 423–427
indicators of, 424
intimate terrorism, 427
situational couple violence, 427
theories of, 429–430
violent resistance, 427
marriage and, 393–401
morbidity and, 342, 348–350
marital quality of, 409–411
marital transitions and, 408
mortality, 342–348
leading causes of death, 345–346
life span and, 342–345
multiple role(s),
differential exposurevs. differential
vulnerability, 442
overweight and obesity, 369–371
definition of, 369
etiology of, 371
prevalence of , 369–371
parenting and
effect of parenting on marriage, 422–423
rape and other forms of sexual coercion,
characteristics of perpetrator, 433–434
characteristics of victim, 434–435
definitions of, 431–432
incidence of, 432
rape myths, 432–433
theories of, 435–437
relationship dissolution and, 405–407
explanation of, 406–407
marital relationship, breakup of, 406
social selection, 407
women initiate breakup, 407
retirement effects on, 449
smoking, 359–360
prevalence among adolescents and
children, 361–362

achievement and, 193–194
about performance, 193
from teachers, 212–214
Female criminals, 76
Female gender-role
hormones and, 497–499
strain, 63
Feminine Mystique (Friedan),The, 19
Feminism, 9–10, 11
Femininity, 4–5, 59, 60.See alsoCommunion
cardiovascular reactivity, 353
undesirable aspects of, 57–58
Field experiment, 36–37
File drawer problem, 107–108
First date scripts, 304
Fiske, Susan, 98
Fixed mindset, 199
Fixed role obligations, 384–385
Flextime, 468
Freud, Sigmund, 146–147
Friday Night Lights(TV show), 441
Friendship (storage) love, 310–311
changes over the life span, 287–291
closeness of, 265–269
barriers to male friendship, 272–275
conflict in, 276
cross-race, 282–283
cross-sex, 276–281
obstacles to, 278–281
same-sex friendshipvs.,277–278
of lesbians and gay men, 283–285
nature of, 262–265
differences, 262–264
similarities, 264–265
network size, 261–262
quality, 261
quantity, 261
self-disclosure, 269–272
sex of discloser, 270
sex of recipient, 270
situational variables, 270–272
at work, 285–287
role conflict, 286–287
Functional measures of support, 391
Fundamental attribution error, 127
Game-Playing (ludus) love, 310–311
Gay and lesbian relationships, 297, 305
equality for, 323
Gay marriages, 297
Gay men.See alsoHomosexuals
friendships among, 283–285
hegemonic masculinity and, 62
pay parity and, 471–472
prospective design of bereavement,
Gazing, 236–237
defined, 3
as a social category, 58–63
social construction of, 3–4
Gender aschematic individual, 169
Gender congruent task, 353
Gender constancy, 167
Gender culture, 11
Gender diagnosticity, 59
Gender differentiation, 71, 72, 75
Gender identity, 7, 167
Gender Identity Disorder, 7, 8

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