The Psychology of Gender 4th Edition

(Tuis.) #1
Subject Index 627

HRT.See Hormone replacement the
rapy (HRT
Human capital accumulation theory, 471
Human capital factors, 462
Hunter-gatherer society, 145
Hypertension and renal disease, 345
Hypothesis, 30
Hypothetical salary, 466
IAT.See Implicit Association Test (IAT)
Identity, gender.SeeGender identity
Illness, 348.See alsoChronic illness;
behavior, 349, 384–386
implication of mortality, 385–386
implications for morbidity, 384–385
Immune function changes, during conflict
discussion, 410–411
Immune system, 351–352
Immunoglobulin M, 352
Impartialityvs.favoritism, 287
Implicit Association Test (IAT), 89–91
Indecisiveness, 489
In a Different Voice(Gilligan), 17, 30
Independent self-construal, 200
Independent variable, 33–34
India, parenting and satisfaction with home
life, 420
Indian marriages, 295
after 20thcentury, 295–296
historical, 295
Individualistic cultures, 477
Infidelity, 332–335
Influenceability, 239–241
Informational support, 391, 394
Instrumental support, 391, 394
Intelligent design, 30
Interaction styles
in adulthood, 226–228
in childhood, 221–226
girls’ difficulty in influencing
boys, 225
institutional support, 225–226
play styles, 222–225
social role theory of, 255
status theory of, 252–253
Interactive theory of depression, 497
collective, 201
relational, 201
Interdependent self-construal, 200
Internal attribution, 202
Internal validity, 36
Internalizing behavior, 517
Internet, 229
Interpersonal protection theory, 403
explanation, 406–407
relationship breakup,
Interpersonal sensitivity, 237
Interrole conflict, 5
Intersex conditions, 136
Intersex persons, 7
friendships, 267–269
competition, 272–273
identity and, 130–131
relational aggression and, 223
in romantic relationships, 306–307
self-disclosure in, 306–307
Intimate partner violence (IPV),

Intimate terrorism, 427
IPV.See Intimate partner violence
Iron John: A Book about Men(Bly), 21
Jealousy and, 332–335
Job advertisements, 19
Job attributes
health and, 443–444
valuation of, 457–458
Job characteristics, of paid workers, 456–458
Job control, women’s health and, 444–445
Job flexibility, 468
Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 77
Judgmentvs.acceptance, 287
Keller, Helen, 307–308
Kibbutz, 374
Kidney disease, 344–345
Knussman, Kevin, 469
Laboratory studies of marital quality and
health, 410–411
Lambert, Elizabeth, 94
Language, 228, 230–234
features of, 231
lateralization of, 139, 141
qualifiers of sex differences, 232–234
sexist, 22–24
social role theory of, 255–256
status theory of, 253
Lateralization, brain, 141
Lateralization, of language, 139, 141
Lawyers, pay disparity among, 465, 471
Leadership, 241–247
emergent leaders, 241–242
perception of, 243–247
styles, 242–243
Learned helplessness, 499–500
Learning, observational, 148–150
Leave It to Beaver(TV show), 441
Leisure activities, risky, 376–379
friendships among, 283–285
pay parity and, 471–472
Levonorgestrel, 20
LGBT (lesbians, gay, bisexual, and
heterosexual hassles to, 77
Life expectancy, 342–345
friendships and, 288–289
stressful, 508–511
Likelihood to Sexually Harass (LSH) scale,
Liver disease, 344–345
Liver, cirrhosis of, 366
Loneliness, in marriage, 396
Loneliness, parenthood and, 420
Longitudinal studies, 37–38
Love, 307–312
gender roles towards, 307–310
romanticism, 308–311
in students, 308–309
styles of, 310–312
Love marriages, 295
Low-power emotions, 154
LSH.See Likelihood to Sexually Harass (LSH)

prevalence among adults, 360–361
smoking cessation, 364–366
social roles
concerns with health, 379–380
driving, 375–376
gender-related traits, 381–382
job characteristics, 375
nurturant roles, 380–381
risky behavior, 376–379
socioeconomic status, 354–355
symptom perception, 382–384
evidence for, 382–383
explanation for, 383–384
Heart attacks, 347, 382
Heart disease, 346, 347, 355–358
alcohol intake and, 366
physician bias in treating, 355–357
smoking and, 360
Hefner, Hugh, 324
Hegemonic masculinity, 62
Heinz dilemma, 128
Helping behavior, sex-differences in, 120–121
Help Your Husband Stay Alive (Lees),394–398
Helplessness, learned, 499–500
Help-seeking behavior, 384–385
Heterosexual hassles, 77
Heterosexual/homosexual relationships, 296
equality in, 323
Heterosexuals, 7
Heterosexual script, 162–163
High-power emotions, 154
Hijab, 12–13
Americans’ views on, 12–13
cohabitation and, 337
exercise, 372
life span and, 343
obesity and overweight among, 344–345,
preventive health care and, 358
sexual harassment, 481
smoking, 360
substance abuse, 368
History of gender psychology
gender as social category, 58–63
masculinity-femininity (M/F) as global
personality trait, 49–53
sex differences in intelligence, 48–49
sex typing and androgyny, 53–58
Histrionic personality disorder, 518
Homicide, 344–345
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), 351
depression and, 497–499
health and, 351
Homophily, 282
Homophobia, 76, 77.See alsoTransphobia
as a barrier to closeness in friendship, 274
Homosexuals, 7
division of labor with power, 415
parenting among, 419–420
stereotypes of, 84–86
Hopkins, Ann, 98
Hopkins v. Price Water house,97–98
Hormones, sex differences and, 136–141
Hostile environment, sexual harassment,
475, 881
Hostile sexism, 71–74
division of labor and, 412–413
working women and help with, 446–448
Housewives, health of working women
compared to, 444

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