(avery) #1

And where do these mental conditionings that repress feelings come

One part comes from egoism itself and the other from education
received from childhood, which in your planet is strongly repressive of
feelings. For a long time your form of education has placed great
emphasis on the development of the mind, and the mind itself has
been used to repress the development of feelings. Children come into
this world open to showing themselves as they are, with great potential
for feeling and expressing their feelings. But from a very young age
they are conditioned to experience attachment instead of love,
repress their feelings, joy, spontaneity, and feel guilty whenever they
experience any happiness. What have children been taught for
generations? That good children are those who are obedient, a slave
to the will of their parents, teachers, adults, and to social norms and
customs. How many times when the child questions why it has to do
something that it does not understand does it hear the reply: “because
I am your father and I say so and that's final” And if the parents are
bitter, then the child has to bear that bitterness. Many orders, a lot of
rigidity and little freedom. Everything you do without having asked your
parents or adults is bad. If you laugh it is bad, if you cry it is bad, if you
speak or you remain silent, when your parents have not authorised it.
“You must only mix with those with whom I say you can, love those
whom I say you can, do what I say. It is for your own good” they tell
you. In the strongly religious societies, everything is sin. It is a sin to show
any expression of joy, affection, a hug, a kiss. In all this there is always
something considered sinful, obscene, dark, diabolical, and one is
made to feel guilty for being happy. The victim is converted into
abuser, from innocent to guilty. Therefore, many children reach the
conclusion that the only way not to suffer is to repress their feelings.
They learn to present an image to the world, an image that others
want from them, but which in fact has very little to do with their true
selves. And so it occurs that the conditioning is so strong, the pretence
so continuous, that when children reach adulthood they think that
they are what they have pretended to be. The majority of children,
when they become adults reach the unconscious conclusion that they
cannot be loved just the way they are, but rather that they always
have to attain some merit in order to receive a little love. In other
words, that they are taught to believe in attachment, which is a false,
possessive, conditional, forced, and self-interested love, and they are
made to renounce unconditional, free, spontaneous love. The
consequence of this is that there are few people who believe in love
and who live in love, who experience, even just a little, the happiness
that emanates from it. And in the absence of love, egoism and all its

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