(avery) #1

most disastrous manifestations will easily become dominant. You will
find that few criminals in your world were loved when they were young.
Why if there is a commandment that says you should honour your
father and your mother, is there not another one that says you should
honour your children? Many evils of your world would be resolved by
loving children, because children have still not put armour-plating over
their feelings. They would love and be loved. Love your children during
a generation and your world will be transformed into a paradise in less
than a century.

By this do you mean that there are people who are aware of feelings,
that is to say, capable of loving, who are repressed, appearing before
others as somebody cold, without feeling?

That is right. Many people are hard because they are afraid of
suffering, that their weakness, which is lack of love, might be
discovered. And for that reason they cover themselves with layers, with
armour-plating, like a medieval horseman in armour. And in this way
they suffer through not wanting to suffer. They suffer because they
avoid feeling, which is what one needs to be happy, to love and to be
loved. Why do you think that there are so many people who are
scared of solitude? Because in fact they are scared to face
themselves, scared to discover the great truth: “I am empty”. And for
this reason people flee from themselves, taking refuge in mental or
material objectives, which generate many worries or resorting to
pastimes which over-stimulate the mind, in order to have an excuse to
never discover the true answer; so that the mind speaks so much and
so strongly that it silences the voice of feeling.

But it is impossible to silence the voice of conscience forever. At some
time the mind becomes careless, or blocked by some unforeseen or
traumatic circumstance, and the internal voice cries out again: “I am
empty. I am empty because I do not feel, because I am not how I
show myself to be. I am being a facade, an appearance. I have
renounced being myself, a being who wants to love and needs to be
loved and for this reason I am miserable”. When you become
conscious of reality it can be painful, overwhelming. At this point many
look for a way to justify the attitude that they took regarding the
annulment of their emotional needs, believing wrongly that if they
ignore the matter they will suffer less and everything will return to

“How badly life has treated me! What bad people I have had to live
with! Not even my parents loved me! Why do I have to be better?”

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