(avery) #1

they say to themselves. And the wrath, the resentment, the distrust, the
sadness and the solitude, consumes them inside. And if they have
children they take out all their frustrations on them, “so that they learn
what life is,” they say to themselves, trying to justify themselves,
because the children are weak and they allow this. And then the
screw gives a new turn towards indifference.

But it is highly understandable that someone who has undergone so
much in life reaches the conclusion that nothing is worth the trouble,
isn't it?

It is true that life can be very hard and that whoever decides to fight in
order to feel will have many obstacles, through the lack of
understanding of others, and this will make them suffer. But it will be an
external suffering, caused by circumstances, which will be worthwhile if
the person, in spite of everything, is able to feel and to love. But
suffering to avoid feeling is an internal suffering which we ourselves
cause and is a sterile suffering, since it does not serve to advance
feeling and loving. Quite the opposite, it can bring about much
suffering and pain, because those who are imbued with pain feel
justified in inflicting pain on others, or do not even stop to think about
the damage that they could be doing.

But when somebody is accustomed to living in pain, the pain appears
very normal. Because many people will have asked themselves: “Am I
capable of bearing the pain, am I capable of loving?”

And I ask myself, will there not be anybody who says: “Look. All this
suffering that I have lived I don't want any more. Not for me or for
others. I have now learned something from life. Everything that they
did to me and that made me suffer I am going to avoid doing to
others. All the love that I needed from my parents and that they did
not give to me I am going to give to my children, to my close friends,
to whoever appears in my life.” And only with the will to change, and
the force of feeling, will their lives turn around, and the ties of hatred
will be broken. And the nut that was tight will begin to loosen itself, and
each turn of the screw of disaffection will be unwound until in the end
it is totally freed. And if all those who live in pain and disaffection were
to make a similar decision, the world would change in one generation;
the generation of children who were loved by their parents, children
who did not put on armour-plating to avoid others hurting them,
children who are not scared to love, because they were brought up in
love. As I have already said, the capacity to love is an innate quality of
the spirit. Therefore we all have it. We just need to discover it and to
develop it. Trust that this is so and it will be so. And as I have already

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