(avery) #1

required until the nut begins to yield. But then the way will be
smoothed and the feelings that you are experiencing will fill your
interior (yes, with love) as you have never felt before and this will give
you the strength to continue.

And what must be done in order to love others?
Try to see others as yourselves. Be conscious that they are brothers and
sisters, of the same essence and with the same internal needs as you.
We all have the same capacities and we all need to love and to be
loved in complete freedom in order to be happy. If I am thirsty after
having walked a good stretch under a blazing sun without being able
to drink, surely the same applies that anyone in the same
circumstances will feel more or less the same desire to drink. So the
same thing occurs with love as with water. We all suffer when we are
deprived of love and we are all comforted when we are given love.
Therefore, if we notice someone who is thirsty for feeling, we should
give them love to drink, just as when we were thirsty for love, there
were others who gave us love to drink.

But, what if in spite of our good intention towards others we receive
ingratitude, scorn, or deceit in return?

When somebody does you harm, understand that it is due to a lack of
evolution in love and that we must make the most of this situation to
improve ourselves, because surely if it stirs up something negative in us
this is because something negative is still within us and we must work to
eliminate it. As I have already said, until love is given unconditionally,
we cannot consider the work to be finished, and whoever does not
tolerate ingratitude has not yet achieved their goal, as in some way
they expect to receive something in exchange for what they give.

And somebody will say: My goodness! How difficult that is, because if I
decide to change but others still remain the same, how many blows
will I receive! I do not know if it is worth the trouble.

And I ask: Is it not better that people try to give us blows which we can
try to avoid, as opposed to we ourselves giving the blows? Because
people who live in disaffection are those who are giving themselves
blows and who prevent anyone from approaching to love them.

What you say makes sense. Nevertheless I still have doubts which
continue to arise.

Express them freely.

Before, you emphasised the importance of not repressing feelings.

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