(avery) #1

Rather, that it is necessary to express them. But on the other hand you
speak about the importance of considering the emotional needs and
feelings of others. And here is the question. Is it not so that there are
negative feelings such as hatred, rage, anger or resentment that if
expressed can harm others? How can feelings be expressed without
harming others at the same time? Do both these actions not contradict
one another?

The way you have considered this is a contradiction. Once again we
need to clarify concepts so as not to generate confusion through a
problem of inadequacy of language, which uses the same word,
feeling, to define things that are totally opposed. When I said before
that you need to let yourself be led by feelings I was referring to
feelings which stem from love, which in order to distinguish them we
should call them love-feelings, which are always positive of course.
Those that stem from egoism, or the fight between love and egoism,
those that we have called negative feelings or ego-feelings are
another thing, and for this reason it is necessary to deal with them in a
different way (we will speak more about this later). Of course it is
necessary to avoid allowing ourselves to be led by these because we
can cause a lot of harm to others. In any case, repressing them does
not lead us anywhere. This only harms us on the inside.

Could you mention some of those ego-feelings?
We have already mentioned some of them when we spoke about
vanity, pride and arrogance, because these are manifestations of
egoism. But now we will deal with them in greater depth, especially
those that are more complex and confusing to understand, such as
These are the most important:
a) avarice(greed), covetousness, lewdness, hatred, aggressiveness,
b) attachment, absorbency, jealousy, rage, resentment, impotence,
lust, guilt, fear, sadness.

All of this reminds me of the seven deadly sins. Does this have anything
to do with it?

They are not sins, but manifestations of egoism, although certainly if
you allow yourself to be led by them you could end up committing a
great number of acts against the law of love, and free will, which you
will have to repair.

Why do you classify them into two groups?
The first are the most primitive manifestations of egoism. In the second

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