(avery) #1

rhinoceros, respectively. The lion is aggressive by nature, since it is
carnivorous and feeds on the flesh of other animals, so aggressiveness
is innate in it. This aggressiveness is like that of the vain spirit. The
rhinoceros, however, is a herbivore and does not habitually use
violence as it does not need to hunt to feed itself. It will only attack at
very precise moments when it feels threatened or wounded. This
aggressiveness is like that of the proud spirit. The aggressiveness of the
arrogant spirit is similar to that of the proud spirit, the only difference
being in the degree, as it is more difficult to hurt the arrogant spirit’s
feelings. Therefore, it is also more difficult for aggressiveness to be
aroused because of this. But if aggressiveness is aroused, it can prove
to be much more destructive than in the vain and the proud.

Within aggressiveness we can distinguish different variants, each of
them with their particular nuances, which go from hatred to
impotence, passing through resentment and rage.
Hatred is a very intense and lasting aggressiveness directed towards
other beings. It is the most primitive and pernicious ego-feeling that
exists, the most harmful, the furthest away from love. It is the maximum
feeling of disunity, rejection towards other beings of creation. Hatred is
characteristic of the most primitive, least advanced beings, when
learning about love. People who hate, let’s call them “haters”, always
think that hatred is justified, and that they can control it, but they will
end up hating more and more people and sowing disunity amongst
everyone within their reach. People who allow themselves to be
dragged down by hatred are violent, unjust, fanatical, and ruthless
and destroy everything that they touch. Since normal people avoid
them, so as not to feel alone they endeavour to find others like them.
“Haters” tend to affiliate with radical and violent movements, based
on the justification of hatred towards those they consider different. But
this same hatred will end up destroying them, because those spirits
move more and more towards solitude, disunity with other beings of
creation. After all that is what they wanted.
Anger or annoyance is an aggressiveness of short duration, of greater
(anger) or lesser (annoyance) intensity. Rage and impotence are more
intense and longer lasting states of internal aggressiveness, activated
by an adverse circumstance which can be directed both against
others, or against oneself, in the case of impotence, with the
aggravating circumstance of the frustration of feeling unable to
change the course of events.

Bad tempered, irritable people, in other words, those in whom
aggressiveness is easily aroused, for whatever banal reason, are

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