(avery) #1

normally people who are bitter, dissatisfied with themselves and their
life, who do not want to delve deeply into the true reason for their
malaise, which is why they endeavour to place the blame outside
themselves to convince themselves that it is the exterior and not the
interior which is the reason for their malaise, for which they suffer
through not wanting to advance. Then resentment is aroused. When
the feeling of aggressiveness and/or impotence is directed towards
ourselves we enter the terrain of guilt.

The accumulation of aggressiveness in us brings about great
imbalances in the level of the astral body, which, if prolonged, end up
bringing about physical diseases. For example, suppressed hatred
causes diseases of the liver and the gall bladder. Impotence causes
digestive disorders. Accumulated suppressed rage and resentment
cause dental problems (toothache and caries). Aggressiveness against
oneself, namely guilt, causes auto-immune diseases.

Where does the feeling of blame or guilt stem from?
Blame is an ego-feeling which originates in the conflict between the
spirit and the mind, between what we feel and what we think, when
feeling and thought conflict. In the latter case, what we think
influences all the education received, including archetypes and social
conditioning, and egoistic thought. We can feel guilty if we act
according to how we think, against how we feel. Often this implies
acting through egoism against love. For example, blame can be
aroused when due to an egoistic action promoted through thought,
the spirit, through conscience, detects what is wrong from the spiritual
point of view. The spirit censures the mind, in other words, feeling
censures thought. In this case, the feeling of blame is positive because
it is an indicator that we are evolving, since we are able to recognise
our error. But the opposite can also happen. We can feel guilty for
feeling what we feel, and for allowing ourselves to be led by feeling,
instead of by thought. Then it is the mind which censures the spirit,
thought which censures feeling. The latter occurs when the prejudices
and mental conditionings are very strong, leading us to believe that
certain feelings are bad or wrong. It is a pity, because as a result of this,
we can confuse the good with the bad and reach the conclusion that
feeling is something bad due to the disturbance that this produces in
our lives. This is a very negative type of blame because it impedes
spiritual progress, the development of feeling.

Could you give an example of this second case to clarify this better for

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