(avery) #1

them, they lose the will to live, they become depressed. As I have said,
resignation is also a form of egoism related to sadness. It is a way of not
fighting in order not to suffer. But this way they suffer more, although for
different reasons. Understanding is what gives you the key to continue
fighting, to continue advancing, maintaining the thrill and joy of living,
because it allows you to find meaning where before there was none.

Can you give me an example that shows the difference between
resignation and understanding?

The attitude towards death, for example. The attitude towards death
for the majority of people in your world is one of resignation, because
you do not seek to understand its meaning. During life you avoid
facing it, eluding seeking an answer to your unease. If you run into
someone who wants to speak seriously about the subject, it seems to
you that this is a prattler or a mentally unbalanced person. Actually it
frightens you and for this reason you avoid the subject, as you are so
occupied with your day to day affairs. You do not seek to understand,
only to avoid. Then the death of a loved one happens unexpectedly
and it takes you by surprise. It is a situation which causes you sadness,
bitterness, rage, impotence. Finally, faced with the impossibility of
changing what is irremediable, you give up. People who are resigned
are those who accept something because they do not have any other
choice, but because they do not understand they live bitterly and
suffer needlessly. People who understand that death does not exist,
that it is only a transition stage, in which the only thing that dies is a
body, that their loved one continues living, and that sooner or later
they will be reunited, they no longer lose the will to live, but rather fight
more forcefully so that when the moment of the reunion arrives, it
occurs in a joyful situation, because there is nothing left still to do in the
physical world. In advanced worlds, understanding the disincarnation
process ensures that nobody feels sadness, desperation or bitterness
when somebody dies. On the contrary, they feel joy that a brother or
sister is returning to the spiritual world, which is the authentic home of
the spirit.

Lewdness and lust.
The addiction to sex can be as much a manifestation of vanity as of
pride. The reasons why a person becomes addicted to sex is different
from one case to another. So we will distinguish two different
manifestations, lewdness, pertaining to vain people, and lust,
pertaining to the proud and arrogant. Lewdness is an excessive
tendency towards sexual pleasures. For the vain spirit addiction to sex
has to do with the need for recognition on the part of others, that is to

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