(avery) #1

sadness becomes someone’s habitual state, it is a form of stagnation,
because they give up. Sadness gives them an excuse not to fight for
spiritual advance.

Do we perhaps do something bad to somebody when we are sad?
We harm ourselves and indirectly others, when through sadness we fail
to attend to what we should be doing for others. Coexisting with
someone who lives in sadness and depression is quite a draining
situation, and, if they do not have a strong will, it is easy for those who
live with somebody who is depressive to end up being afflicted with
the same state of mind.
Just like aggressiveness, accumulated sadness can also cause a
multitude of diseases. There are many people who become ill and die
of sadness, in this way leaving still unfinished tests or missions which
were entrusted to that life, and abandoning the commitments of help
that they had with other spirits, for example, fathers or mothers who,
when allowing themselves to die of sadness, abandon their children.

How is sadness overcome?
As aggressiveness and sadness are so similar with regard to the reasons
that arouse them, the same prescription that we proposed to
overcome aggressiveness can be applied almost point by point to
overcome sadness. The basis for overcoming sadness is, therefore,
understanding. Understanding ourselves, others, and the
circumstances that we have been assigned to live through.
Understanding that many of the adverse circumstances which we
face form part of a process of learning about love, of overcoming
egoism, and that we ourselves chose many of them before we were
born. And that we generated other circumstances ourselves through
lack of tolerance, rigidity, or lack of understanding of how others are.
We must understand that sometimes we make ourselves sad because
we do not want to admit that we are wrong, or we do not want to
recognise certain egoistic attitudes in ourselves. If it is aroused because
somebody hurts us, try to understand that this is due to the lack of
evolution of that spirit, that is still barely advanced in the knowledge of
love. If sadness is aroused in us because we repress our way of being,
because we annul our will, then we should fight to express ourselves as
we really are and we will be able to overcome sadness.

The prescription that you give could be seen as a call for resignation.
Not at all. Understanding and resignation are totally opposite
concepts. People who are resigned are those who throw in the towel,
who renounce understanding, who annul their will. Nothing matters to

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