(avery) #1

believing that it is the end, the destruction of the “I”, of our
consciousness. If we lose the fear to go deeper within ourselves, we will
be able to hear the voice of the spirit that shouts to us from deep
within: “Death does not exist! You are immortal!” Then the fear of
ceasing to exist, and the fear of death, will disappear.

What specific consequences does fear have regarding the evolution of

As I have already said, the most ominous consequence of fear is that
spirits are inhibited from showing themselves as they really are, from
acting as they feel. When people are not themselves, they cannot
progress spiritually, since their will is imprisoned. They cannot make
decisions freely, but are always tied down by fear. Fear decides for
them. They do not dare to confront any circumstance which could be
useful in their spiritual evolution because fear makes them believe that
they will not be able to overcome it.

Fear is the feeling through which powerful people on Earth manipulate
humanity and maintain it in a state of spiritual stagnation, creating a
threat, an imaginary enemy behind all those spiritual challenges that
the human being wishes to undertake, making people renounce them
in exchange for a false security which they say they bring. And the fact
is that they are also afraid. Afraid that if spirituality, human love and
brotherhood are awakened, their abuse will be discovered, their
crimes judged and condemned. They will see themselves deprived of
their privileges, all their wealth and their power, which have been
unfairly achieved through deceiving, oppressing and exploiting other
human beings.

Can you give me an example?
For example, powerful people generate fear of all those movements in
favour of universal human brotherhood, inventing an ultra-harmful
power which will take advantage of their naivety in order to create a
terror regime. They generate fear of the implantation of fairer political
and economic systems based on solidarity and cooperation for the
good of humanity as a whole, predicting that chaos, anarchy, disorder
and economic disaster will follow. They foretell that freedom will bring
debauchery, that free thought will bring pernicious ideas, that free
feeling will bring vice, perversion, immorality. They are scared that
terrestrial humanity may discover that humanities exist on other planets
who live in love, and that people may use them as an example. For this
reason they hide any evidence of extraterrestrial life and boost the

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