(avery) #1

fear of making contact with beings from other worlds through films in
which it is made out that extraterrestrials are beings with an
abominable appearance (insects, reptiles, viruses) who get inside
humans and intend to destroy humanity. They are scared that human
beings will discover their immortality, and the purpose of life, which is
spiritual improvement through the discovery of love, and begin to work
towards this. For this reason they deny any evidence of the existence
of life after death, defending themselves in the dogmas of a
materialistic science, and at the same time, they create fear of
studying profoundly what happens after physical death and making
contact with the spiritual world, through films in which all life after
death appears as something frightful, through the creation of terrifying
characters such as ghosts, demons, vampires and zombies thirsty for
blood, who seize the souls of the living to torment them.

To this end, an industry of fear (cinema and television), which sees to it
that the most perverse threats are transformed into images, which are
watched by almost everybody, so that they penetrate the mind of all
human beings and turn this into reality. Ninety percent of all films have
as a theme the promotion of fear through some of its forms, personified
in the figure of all types of perverse beings: terrorists, serial killers, rapists,
narcotic traffickers, extraterrestrial invaders, living dead and
psychopaths of all ranges and colours, overexciting in this way the
imagination of children and adults so that even more external fears
are added to everyone’s own individual fears.

How can fear be overcome?
With conscience and bravery. First of all we need to be aware of our
fears, and what we are afraid of. If we analyse them in depth, we will
find that a part of these fears is unfounded and they do not
correspond with any real threat, or the threat is not as strong as we
believe. Fears that are founded on some real threat, are overcome by
bravely facing the situations and circumstances which activate that
fear in us, trying not to let ourselves be taken over by this fear at the
time of making decisions. We must ask ourselves “what decision would
I take if I were not scared, if I were totally free to decide according to
how I feel” Then that is the right decision and the one that must be
taken. It is worth trying this. It is a constant battle. As we face fear and
make brave decisions, we will experience progress within ourselves,
and the fear will cease, giving way to security and clarity. Until the
point when one day we will look back and say, “How could I have
been scared of this? How clearly I see everything now!”

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