(avery) #1

feel love for each other, whilst being able to have satisfaction of the
physical body, will lack the rapport of the more subtle, astral, mental
and spiritual bodies, resulting in the sensation of emptiness and
dissatisfaction. In advanced worlds, what moves the spirits to be united
as a couple is exclusively the inner love which they feel, and therefore
it is very rare that couples are united for any other reason. As in those
worlds perception is highly developed, there is no place for deceit or
deception, which usually happens on Earth, when finding out that your
partner is not what you believed him or her to be, because up to that
moment that partner merely put on a show in order to conquer you.

And how can sexuality problems be resolved?
Your problems with sexuality are due on the whole to the fact that you
maintain sexual relationships with people for whom you feel practically
no love. Still you continue looking at only the physical part and believe
that the culmination of sexual pleasure is maintaining relationships with
people who are physically very attractive. You do not want to
recognise the part of feelings, and since the majority of you are not
matched with loved ones who are kindred spirits, the problem stems
from not feeling. It stems from not feeling an inner fullness. The most
advanced spirits are those that will suffer most from maintaining sexual
relationships without love. Instead of recognising that the problem lies
in the absence of feelings and that you must begin to act more
according to how you feel, you insist on seeking sexual experiences
with other people for whom you do not feel anything, or on adding to
sex other components which supposedly make it more attractive, but
are equally empty. So then you fall into a vicious circle, since you seek
to fill with physical matter what can only be filled with feeling.

So you mean to say that romantic love, those relationships that we see
in films, is something which is scarce in our world?

What happens is that your concept of what love is, in this case, the
love between a couple, is distorted with respect to what love is from
the spiritual point of view.
Relationships of intense physical attraction, that you erroneously call
“passionate or romantic” love, which are like the light of a flare, very
intense one moment but then fizzling out for ever, and which you
vainly try to prolong by over-stimulating the senses with material
dressings (a dinner in an expensive restaurant, a showy gift, one night
in the suite of a five star hotel or holidays on a paradise island) are not
scarce. And you call all this romantic love, when in fact it is purely a
strong sexual attraction which becomes blurred once sexual desire has
been satisfied. With respect to passions, they often have nothing to do

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